Bank of Canada expresses frustration over delays in payment system modernization, official reveals.

Bank of Canada is disappointed by payment system modernization delays, official says

“Canada’s Real-Time Payment System: A Disappointment in Delay”

Sub-heading 1: A Stalled Initiative
The Bank of Canada expressed its disappointment with the slow progress of Canada’s modernized payments system. Ron Morrow, the executive director of payments, supervision, and oversight at the central bank, stated that Canada is trailing behind other countries in implementing real-time payment capabilities. The Real-Time Rail system, initially set to be functional in 2022, has faced multiple delays. Payments Canada announced in April that industry testing would begin in 2026, with no definitive timeline for a nationwide launch.

Sub-heading 2: Industry Reactions
Various industry experts and stakeholders have voiced their concerns about the delay in implementing the real-time payment system. Former Bank of Canada governor David Dodge warned that the system could become outdated by the time it is finally operational. Fintechs Canada executive director, Alex Vronces, highlighted the competitive advantage enjoyed by large banks under the current system, which poses challenges for fintech startups and smaller financial institutions.

The stagnation in launching Canada’s Real-Time Rail system not only reflects poorly on the country’s technological advancement but also hinders financial inclusivity and innovation. As other nations make progress in modernizing their payment systems, Canada risks falling behind and missing out on the benefits of real-time payments. It is essential for all stakeholders to prioritize the development and implementation of an efficient and accessible payment system to ensure equal opportunities and economic growth for all Canadians.”



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