House Speaker Greg Fergus survives vote to remove him


House Speaker Greg Fergus has survived another attempt to oust him after a motion to remove him was voted down. Mike Le Couteur reports.

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  1. The liberals and the NDP are bringing this country down and he should be removed he's only done bad decisions since being speaker this is not a democratic country as long as liberals and NDP in as government

  2. Haha, he almost said judge me on my past record, caught himself just in time. He is beyond a joke, the world is laughing at the liberal/ndp and their attempts to govern our country. They need to go!

  3. Proving yet again why Canada is anything but a democracy. As long as Trudeau and his parrot, JS team up, we're all screwed. Most bias house speaker ever and is immune, can do/say whatever the hell he wants. Canada's an international joke.


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