BC’s terminated nurses can get their jobs back IF Bonnie Henry ends her COVID vaccine mandate


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Nurses terminated for not getting two COVID jabs back in 2021 have learned they will be permitted to get their jobs back only if the province’s public health officer rescinds her COVID vaccine mandate by January 31, 2025.

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  1. Bonnie Henry is a stooge for the two above her, she's a yes person, only there to picks up her pay every payday. we need a new Government, certainly not a democratic gov anymore. What happened to our elected leaders being voted in "by the people and for the people"?

  2. “Absent exceptional circumstances, a reviewing court will defer to an administrative decision-maker’s factual findings."
    Using this framework, Justice Coval concluded there was "ample evidence in the record" to support Henry's conclusions about unvaccinated workers posing a greater risk to patients than vaccinated ones in October 2023, and about COVID continuing to pose an "immediate and significant risk" to public health.
    “Regarding the petitioners' argument that other jurisdictions in Canada had almost entirely done away with vaccine mandates for health-care workers by the time Henry extended her orders, the judge noted that just because other authorities made different decisions, B.C.'s aren't necessarily unreasonable in comparison.”

    “Unvaccinated workers posing a greater risk”.. Adrian Dix says BH is very capable in her position. This is not true. The vaccines do not create an immune response. Vaccinated individuals with Covid are just as much a threat to patients. The vaccines themselves are proven and becoming more evident at causing severe reactions and deaths. The CDC themselves yesterday declared that there needs to be a Vaccine side effects commission to look into the growing number of deaths due to vaccinations.

  3. It's exactly the same in Australia. Even though they dropped the Mandate it's a requirement of employment. So thousands of nurses & other front line workers are still unable to work in their field. There is an even worse nursing shortage, but they are hiring more personal care workers to replace many nursing roles. The system is in chaos. Interesting we are both Commonwealth countries. After 55yrs of nursing, I lost everything. Lucky I have the aged pension but at 72yrs old I have to house sit to survive.

  4. Mandating an experimental drug is illegal. Its been reported that 6,ooo health care personnel were sidelined by this dictatorial government. Lawsuits to reinstate displaced employees with full back pay should be instituted.

  5. This is ridiculous. My hospital's emergency room was shut down last night due to a nursing shortage. Patients from Williams Lake had to travel an hour north or south to Quesnel or 100 Mile House (both smaller towns than WL) to get treatment. I can't help but wonder if this has something to do with "15 minute cities" whereby they strip amenities one by one, forcing people to move to larger centers.

  6. Immunisation- the action of making a person or animal resistant to a particular infectious disease or pathogen, typically by vaccination. Given the virus adaption and lack of ability of the generated antibodies to neutralise, it is misleading to use this term for influenza vaccines. And for Covid it is even worse.

  7. Hated that pot Banging baloney. Avoided it like the plague.
    I remember taking another trip around the block and hiding inside when they did the virtue signaling wacky clappy.

  8. Bonnie Henry and her political ties are corrupt and their ideology is dangerous. Toxic contaminated modified mRNA causing frameshift and turbo cancer on top of regular sever side effects


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