Why is B.C. still persecuting Christian churches for worshipping during COVID lockdowns?


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Drea Humphrey interviews B.C. MLA Michael de Jong, who recently questioned the NDP government on why it’s still prosecuting churches that safely opened during biased COVID restrictions instead of reconciling with them.
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  1. What Bonny Henry saw when she says they saw the transmission increasing, was a computer model. Yes, they pretended a simms world simulation was real life!!!! Theres not an ounce of honesty in the crown corporation’s actors!!!!

  2. Oh, so the transmission of the virus was less likely to occur in Costco, Walmart, Marijuana dispensaries & stripper bars than it was in places of worship? The fact is that places of worship were easier to bully into compliance with public health's ego driven mandates simply because of their generally law-abiding nature. That the prosecutions / persecutions are still going on today is a testament to this government's ongoing abuse of power.

  3. Go to a liquor store, no problem. Go to church, get arrested!
    It is time to change the government, Fire Bonnie Henry, and Hire back the medical personelle who were sent home for not taking the jab!

  4. Thank these churches stood up and obeyed God and not man shame on us and many other churches that closed shop especially when many of the scientists are saying this whole situation was a scam follow the money God have mercy on these tyrants
    God Keep our Land Glorious and Free ????????????????


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