Young entrepreneurs fair in Calgary: A fantastic opportunity for kids to prepare and shine

Calgary kids prepare for young entrepreneurs fair: ‘A great opportunity’ - Calgary

“Calgary Kids Showcase Their Entrepreneurial Spirit at Young Entrepreneurs Business Fair

As the school year comes to a close, some hardworking Calgary kids are gearing up for an exciting event this weekend. Students at North Point School are embracing the world of entrepreneurship with their annual Young Entrepreneurs Business Fair on Saturday. This event features over 150 booths run by students from kindergarten to Grade 12, showcasing their innovative products and services.

The Young Entrepreneurs

Grade 5 student Sophia Aboulhosn is showcasing small air plants in unique settings she designed, highlighting the plants’ ability to thrive without soil or roots. On the other hand, Grade 11 student Simone Gervais is offering a musical service, serenading customers with a song for every purchase made. These young entrepreneurs are not only showcasing their creativity but also their passion for their businesses.

Learning Through Experience

Preparing for the business fair is part of the Financial Education Program at North Point School, where students learn essential skills like creativity, independence, problem-solving, and resilience. Head of school Brent Devost emphasizes the importance of fostering these traits in students to prepare them for success in the future. The business fair serves as a practical application of the knowledge and skills gained throughout the school year.

Parental Support and Motivation

Parents like Mona Aboulhosn see the positive impact of the business fair on their children. She notes how motivating the event is for kids, as they eagerly work on their projects instead of turning to screen time. The fair not only nurtures their entrepreneurial skills but also instills a sense of determination and hard work in the students.

The Power of Experience

The Young Entrepreneurs Business Fair is not just a showcase of products and services but a testament to the power of experiential learning. Students like Gervais recognize the value of putting their ideas into practice and showcasing their knowledge through their businesses. It’s a transformative experience that goes beyond the traditional classroom setting, offering valuable lessons in creativity, innovation, and perseverance.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, the Young Entrepreneurs Business Fair at North Point School is a testament to the ingenuity and potential of young minds. It’s a platform where students can unleash their creativity, showcase their talents, and learn valuable lessons in entrepreneurship. As we witness these young entrepreneurs in action, we are reminded of the importance of empowering the next generation to pursue their passions, take risks, and turn their dreams into reality.”



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