The West Block: May 19, 2024 | What does it take to be one of the prime minister’s bodyguards?


The shooting of Slovakia’s prime minister highlights the growing threat of violence towards politicians. So what does it take to be an officer of a VIP detail for a high-profile politician? ‘The West Block’ host Mercedes Stephenson gets exclusive access to the RCMP program to train protective policing officers to keep politicians of all political stripes safe from the rising threat of political violence.

Following Global News’ exclusive reporting that revealed that Correctional Services Canada instructed staff to keep quiet about the 2022 transfer of notable convicted murderer Luka Magnotta from a maximum-security prison to a medium-security institution, Stephenson interviews former correctional investigator of Canada Howard Sapers about balancing privacy rights and the public’s right to know. Sapers also addresses reports of increased prison violence and concerns over Canada’s parole system.

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  1. What does it take? A complete lack of ethics and a hatred for the Canadian people

    Who else would protect the most divisive and corrupt PM in Canadian history?

  2. If politicians like Justin Trudeau weren't sellouts to the highest bidder, and if the media was honest in their reporting, they wouldn't be targeted verbally.
    It's not what the media reports on so much. It's what they don't report on.
    We are forced to search for alternate sources of information ourselves to find out what our own government is doing to us because the media will not report it.

  3. All government employee's are the C+ crowd. The A and B students go on to work in the private sector. Government aims to hire the C+ people. Remember this next time you are dealing with a government employee, they are mediocre at best which is why they insist on you obeying them. They are losers.

  4. While we should of course be concerned with the safety of our public officials and wholeheartedly condemn any and all threats against them at what point is the disastrous policies of our current admin that have led to unprecedented homelessness rates, unprecedented amounts of drug overdose deaths, unprecedented numbers of people receiving "maid", unprecedented levels of starvation and food bank usage, unprecedented levels of rising violent crime leading to unprecedented sexual assault , assault and homicide rates etc…..
    considered violence upon the people?
    When can we expect to be protected?

    ? Poilievre for PM ??

  5. I would assume it requires contempt for the average Canadian and a willingness to look the other way as drug dealers abuse children. Pro-Democracy Tip, Global: your type dreams of a Putin like state where politicians and siloviki end their careers via a shooting or defenestration, but in Canada we vote in elections.

  6. Creepy Joe Biden is using lawfare to try to deny Trump a second term and Global News is worrying about Republican pols very correctly calling it a sham trial. For shame, Global News. Stop being CNN News North.


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