Discover the top “dead giveaways” that reveal someone is from out of town in Canada

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“Canada: A Tourist Haven or Locals’ Land?”

In the vast and diverse landscape of Canada, tourists flock from all over the world to experience its natural beauty, vibrant cities, and unique culture. However, for the locals, spotting a tourist in their midst is almost second nature. From mispronouncing well-known landmarks to underestimating the vast distances between cities, there are certain tell-tale signs that give away someone’s non-local status.

The Flair of Alberta:

In Alberta, visitors often stand out by their excitement to visit West Edmonton Mall or by mispronouncing the name of the city of Calgary. The scale of the province’s attractions can sometimes catch tourists off guard, as one local encountered travelers with an ambitious itinerary that underestimated the distances between famous sights.

The Charm of BC:

British Columbia attracts tourists with its natural beauty, but they can often be spotted standing in awe in front of the electric Steam Clock or trying to pet raccoons in Stanley Park. These moments capture the essence of BC’s unique charm and showcase the difference between a local and a visitor.

The Essence of Ontario:

In Ontario, tourists can be identified by their reference to the iconic CN Tower as the CNN Tower or by attempting a day drive from Toronto to Edmonton, underestimating the vast distance between these two cities. Locals also recognize outsiders by their pronunciation of Toronto or by their realization that a week-long stay in Ottawa could be condensed into just a few hours.

The Enchantment of Quebec:

Quebec’s rich history and unique culture often leave tourists enchanted, but locals can easily spot them by their attempts to speak French or by their excitement over visiting the ‘underground city’ in Montreal – which turns out to be just a network of shopping malls. The differences in language and expectations reveal the divide between a visitor and a resident.

As Canada continues to attract a growing number of tourists, the distinction between locals and visitors becomes more apparent. While tourists bring diversity and excitement to the country, locals hold a deep understanding of their surroundings and a sense of pride in their home. So, next time you find yourself in Canada, pay attention to the little details – you might just learn something new about the place you’re visiting.



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