Biden reveals “monumental” US Justice Department proposal to ease marijuana restrictions ??


In a video address on Thursday, U.S. President Joe Biden announced a “monumental” proposal made by the Justice Department to ease marijuana restrictions in the U.S. “Far too many lives have been upended because of a failed approach to marijuana. And I’m committed to righting those wrongs,” Biden said.

#Marijuana #Biden #US



  1. That’s a no brainer ? joe. When are you going to stop spending taxpayers dollars & leaving us & future generations indebted ???
    You (all of you elites) really think that by making drugs available & legal, you’ll keep the masses numbed & disconnected from reality???
    But your days are numbered; the day of reconning is fast approaching ???

  2. Growing this plant indoors and doing chemistry on the soil to increase THC content should be illegal. Outdoor Marijuana or hemp on the other hand could be a vital textil resource, but there are too many rich men who would loose control of certain markets if it were easier or allowed to be industrialized.

  3. Great. How can it be authorized for use in some states and not others? People use this substance who suffer arthritis, cancer and other debilitating medical ailments. Hate to say this, but it might make some people a little calmer in their daily living. Nothing but love. Blessings.

  4. Cause You're needing votes but guess what Trump was going to do this before you and your corrupt insiders did voter fraud. So you hindered this for the last 4years. You failed again.


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