Ontario’s provincial police say there were 400 traffic-related deaths in 2023


Grim numbers were released by OPP Tuesday, showing that 2023 saw the most traffic-related deaths in a single year since the early 2000’s.

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  1. Honestly doesn't surprise me at all cuz the OPP is always posting it on their X account about how they're constantly catching ppl doing 150-250km/h on the various 400 series highways ranging from ppl 17 to ppl in their 60's. Sadly the stunt driving charges these ppl get are honestly too weak cuz it's a 14 days impoundment, 30 day licence suspension, some DP & up to a max $10k fine. There's been some ppl that they've caught multiple times for Stunt Driving let alone distracted driving & ppl just flat out don't care.

  2. The Drivetest backlog is long gone but the lower standard remains (the G test was once 30 minutes – now 20 minutes or less with half of the marked manoeuvres removed. This lower standard allows for more to pass = get a job (paying taxes) vs maintaining a higher road safety standard. This is what you get when the licensing process is scammed and manipulated by both government and shady applicants.

  3. usually it's about 50% caused by drunk drivers. and the number of drunks on the road is less than 50% by a lot. If they want drunk driving to decrease, all they have to do is impound a drunk's car until their driver's licence is reinstated. If the drunk borrows a friennd's car, THAT car should be impounded as well….but the owner should be able to bail it out. What with towing and impound fees, lending cars would stop cold. And i bet drunk driving would be cut in half….even drunks don't want to lose their cars.

  4. I wonder if the population increase from our immigration policies has anything to do with this? Also, I get this idea that you might catch more drunk drivers with mandatory breath samples at every traffic stop but I’m not really happy with this erosion of the idea of probable cause and this slow creep from “assumption of innocence” to “assumption of guilt”


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