Global National: May 10, 2024 | Protesters return to Calgary campus after night of clashes


In tonight’s episode: The tents and barricades are gone, but pro-Palestinian protesters are back at the University of Calgary Friday evening after a tense and sometimes violent night. Police say they won’t interfere with protests but that another encampment will not be allowed. Heather Yourex-West reports live from the scene.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller met with his provincial and territorial counterparts on Friday, to discuss ways to tackle the country’s ballooning immigration numbers. The federal government has already taken the step of slashing the number of temporary foreign visas by 600,000 as it tries to figure out the country’s housing shortage at the same time. Mackenzie Gray reports.

An apartment building in Winnipeg has been deemed unsafe and in danger of collapsing. Tenants were given just hours to leave. Global’s Melissa Ridgen was there Thursday night as the news was delivered.

Playtime and story time are taking on a whole new meaning for one British toddler. Born deaf, the youngster can now hear almost perfectly. She’s the first British patient and the youngest child in the world to be treated with a breakthrough gene therapy. As Crystal Goomansingh reports, there are high hopes the promising results could help others with severe hearing loss.

Tributes are pouring in for longtime national commentator Rex Murphy, who died Thursday from cancer at age 77. The Newfoundland-born TV commentator and columnist was known for his sharp wit and even sharper tongue. Murphy was unafraid to speak his mind, even as his views became increasingly polarizing and controversial. Heidi Petracek reports.

There are reports the WNBA is looking to expand, and that it is setting its sights on Toronto for a possible new team in 2026. Not only could that be big news for Canadian fans of women’s basketball, it proves the sport’s popularity is skyrocketing. Mike Drolet explains.

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  1. For the people who had to vacate their apartments instantly, should have been provided trucks, movers, storage and whatever else, free of charge and charged back to the owners of the building.

  2. What the heck were they doing in Winnipeg? Usually, building construction is FLOODED WITH "INSPECTORS" Such is the case in B.C. It is a government job ffs. The "Building Inspectors should be on the financial HOOK for all the residents(of course they will just get a STERN WARNING. THAT IS IT. That is crazy.

  3. Biden better smarten up. Trump will be president.
    Trudeau, just say no. They don't deserve a country after what they did.
    Humanitarian aid? Canadians can't buy food. We don't care about the bad faith actors in Gaza.


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