Discover the top travel trend in Canada: peaceful getaways are the most sought-after destination for travelers.

Why peaceful getaways are becoming Canada’s most sought-after travel trend

In a world that seems to be constantly buzzing with noise and activity, the idea of quiet luxury is becoming more and more appealing to travelers seeking solitude and reflection. The allure of being alone, surrounded by nature and with the absence of distractions, is a trend that is gaining momentum in the realm of luxury travel.

**A Desire for Solitude**

For those who relish alone time, the thought of escaping to a secluded retreat like The Green O in Montana can be a dream come true. Imagine being tucked away in a Tree Haus, elevated high above the ground, with nothing but the sounds of nature to keep you company. This kind of isolation is not for everyone, but for those who crave uninterrupted silence, it is pure bliss.

**Embracing Slow Vacationing**

Diana Stobo, founder of The Retreat in Costa Rica, understands the need for stillness and quiet in a world that is perpetually moving at a fast pace. Her program, The Art of Resting, encourages guests to let go of productivity and embrace the concept of “slow vacationing.” By giving themselves permission to be still and quiet, guests can tap into the restorative power of rest and relaxation.

As Steve Hurst, managing director of Paws Up and Green O, explains, the key to providing a truly luxurious experience is to support guests in their desire for solitude, rather than directing their activities. Whether guests want to relax in their Tree Haus or explore the forest barefoot, the focus is on allowing them to connect with themselves and their surroundings.

**Finding Clarity in Quiet**

The appeal of quiet luxury lies in the opportunity it provides for introspection, reflection, and perspective. Brian Gage, owner of Pegasus’s Nootka Wilderness Lodge, attests to the transformative effects of a quiet vacation, where guests can truly disconnect from the noise of everyday life and reconnect with what truly matters to them.

In a world that often seems overwhelming and chaotic, the allure of quiet luxury is undeniable. It offers a chance to step back, breathe, and find clarity in the midst of silence. As I embark on my own journey to The Green O, I hope to discover the peace and perspective that comes with embracing solitude. And perhaps, in that stillness, I will find a way to bring those moments of quiet luxury back home with me.



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