Vast majority of anti-Israel protesters are communists who want to tear down America: Ezra Levant


On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra was on the ground at Columbia University as anti-Israel protesters continued their demonstration on campus.

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  1. Screw Israel amd screw Palestine. Meanwhile in Canada, Canadians are suffering from high food prices, unaffordable housing, and government censorship. Why do everyday Canadians have to ALSO worry about these two countries?

  2. Where thahell were these self righteous and “deeply concerned” activists over Ukraine being invaded and occupied, or the Gyughers of China being tortured and sent to reeducation camps, Malaysian religious dictatorship, the centuries of First Nations peoples in their own country being oppressed and starving?!

    These Pop-Up activists are incredibly disingenuous. And so damn ignorant, I’m embarrassed for them.

  3. The whole bunch,with a few exceptions, actually are stupider than before they went into University…..that can only happen if your teachers are woke………and that’s exactly what happened!

  4. Ok, so where can the Jews live?
    49 Muslim majority nations in the world, and ONE Jewish nation…… But they want that too.
    So, I hear that Jews should all go "home" to Europe.
    Problem is that there are about 44 million Muslims there, that won't be a safe place. Who's going to give up their homes for millions of Jews??
    I see protests against the Jews in Germany, France, UK, Spain, Italy, etc.
    America and Canada have joined in too….
    Kinda odd how there are many Jews living in these other countries who have probably never even visited Israel. They were born and raised elsewhere and consider these countries their home…… But because they are Jewish, they are hated and threatened.
    Neither do the governments of these nations protect them:
    This is proof that this whole thing has NOTHING to do with the Land.
    Hopefully, what is all going on will cause the Jewish people to go home to the Land that was given to them by God.

  5. Canadian women killed 236,000 thousand babies in 2023. Welcome to the matriarch folks. Where women claim killing babies is a right even tho it out numbers the second and third most deaths in Canada yearly. Yes cancer killed 104,000 in 2023 and heart disease killed 98,000. Thus meaning the Canadian healthcare system and Canadian women are the leading cause of death by 150%

  6. Idiots. What sort of freedom does she think there would be under Hamas or any other Islamic rule? They don't want peace, they just don't want Israel to win.


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