CTV National News | Wednesday, May 1, 2024: Tense return to the HoC over Poilievre’s ejection


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  1. Believe
    Nothing you hear and only half what you see. And in Justin case believe nothing !!

    NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh confirms his party will support the Liberals' federal budget

    No surprise !! His gold plated tax’s paid life style !! Ain’t till next election

  2. Liberal Speaker didn't kick out Trudeau for calling PP spineless before that along with other personal attacks. This Liberal/NDP gov is going down as the most toxic gov in Canadian history. Its time if there is any moral Liberals to separate themselves from Trudeau. Disgraceful!

  3. The speaker of the house is clearly bias and has used his position before for political gain making video in his speaker robes to be used at a liberal functions. Now there is rhe contempt of parlement and the clearly criminal attempt at changing public record to align with his views to cover up evidence and this is criminal behavior. Only the speaker of the house and the prime minister the ability to do this but the got caught . an official record of the blues and audio recording still exists indicating manipulation of public record to align with his wrongfull ejection of an Member of parliament. He mist resign his position and his seat in the house and be brought up on criminal charges

  4. We are having a huge political snafu over language use. Not housing not food not the homeless crisis or excess immigration or the staggering economy.

    The cons just want to win at any cost. This is proof they dont care about canada.

  5. Hon Pierre Polliviere has a heart for Canadians destroyed by drugs . In politics tensions will run high at times because of the nature of issues. I commend our Opposition Leader for his concern on this pressing issue and heated debate which led to his expulsion in the House of Commons. Hon Pierre P Stand on this issue is justified and not on his emotional response resulting in his expulsion from our House of Commons.


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