Climate activists attempt to avoid skeptical Rebel News’ questions


Rebel News’ Alexa Lavoie attempts to question climate change activists outside the UN Plastics Summit in Ottawa.

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  1. Dear Climate Activist, a serious and non-sarcastic question:

    If atmospheric CO2 is a crisis, what’s the plan to stop plants from rotting?

    Per MIT / Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

    90%+ of Earth’s atmospheric CO2 is from decaying leaves alone, 2% at most from fossil fuel.

    Please note any chemist that agrees that raising CO2 in a gas mixture,
    of about 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen from 400 parts per million to even 2000 parts per million,
    will have any impact.

  2. Canada, North America, just not the problem here folks. Third world countries use any waterways as a means to get rid of waste. Wake up and quit bankrupting everyday Canadians with a mass of tax grab dressed in a slogan telling us to save the world.

  3. The irony is the people that would suffer the most ( in first world nations ) without modern materials and fossil fuels would be these femmy weirdo leftists.

    "The problem is with corporations not individuals." These people don't understand basic supply and demand forces. How long would that chick's sanity hold out without her plastic IPhone?

    Thinking people have been asleep at the wheel with regard to education ( especially 'higher' education ) for way too long. Turns out what's being taught, what isn't and who's doing the teaching actually really matters.


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