Sask. Premier Moe responds to Trudeau warning that CRA will come for carbon price payment


During a visit to Saskatoon, Sask., Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned Premier Scott Moe last week that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is “rigorous” at getting the money it’s owed when it comes to collecting the federal carbon price on natural gas.

“Having an argument with CRA about not wanting to pay your taxes is not a position I want anyone to be in. Good luck with that, Premier Moe,” Trudeau added at another press conference the following day.

On Saturday, Premier Moe responded to the prime minister’s comments on the Roy Green Show.

“It’s our position that we paid all the tax that is owed so the threat is not a threat at all,” Moe said. “(The) prime minister thinks he’s going to start sending agencies after provinces that had unanimous votes in their legislation … he may have his views. I believe he’s wrong with those views.”

The jurisdictional spat began when the Liberals created a temporary exemption to the carbon price for home heating oil.

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