Jagmeet Singh’s support for budget wavering | Power Play with Vassy Kapelos


Panellists discuss rising tensions between NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and the federal Liberals as he pushes back on the 2024 budget.

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  1. If Jagmeet would smarten up and let the government fall to a non-confidence vote, he could be the opposition leader, across from Poilievre. Instead the NDP will be spanked HARD for endlessly propping the LIEberals.

  2. Chokemeet needs to end this ridiculous coalition with the Trudeau liberals.. he’s literally holding Canadians hostage to ensure his pension. And it’s costing everyday folks a lot of money. What a time to be alive

  3. Wavering like the 40 previous times it did and then he still voted with the libs like the little attention hog he is. We’ve all heard about the boy who cried wolf except for him. He’s a one trick phony.

  4. Singh is a lier cheat he is holding trudue to give him more pension this should not be happening its not for any other reason dont say hes doing this for those reasons hrs trying to gain more pension and make himself look like hes doing something for canadians hes not lier cheat hes worse than trudue dont believe singh hesalways were going to support budget.wake up canadians singh is crooked ndp should remove him

  5. so my son has to put in at least 25- 30 years in the military for the same pension this clown gets after 8 years ? Yes Canada is horribly broken . Singh will support Trudeau till the end because , like Justin , he is self absorbed .


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