Gaza protests: McGill Pro-Palestinian demonstrations spread to UBC, uOttawa


While anger about Israel’s war in Gaza is escalating at several U.S. universities and colleges, pro-Palestinian protests are also growing on Canadian campuses.

Some of those post-secondary institutions in Canada seeing demonstrations include McGill University, the University of Ottawa and the University of British Columbia.

Mike Armstrong reports on the reaction to the demonstrations and what students are demanding.

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  1. A bunch of very simple, and mislead people.. A shameful demonstration within the borders of a free democratic country that is an ally of Israel, and especially after the disgustingly barbaric (and intentional) war crime, that took place on October 7th. A barbaric act which most of these pitiful people would never condemn.

  2. So, let's get this "straight"….ya got yer 'immigrant' protestors protesting at the ONLY English language University in Kebek of any worth, and we're supposed to beleive that ONLY the ENGLISH in Kebek have a problem with 'immigrants' protestng?=is THIS how media will be portraying tensions in Kebek from now on?=instigated by English folks AT an English university in Kebek?????????????????????


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