FBI warns Chinese hackers targeted Canadian politicians


Several MPs say Canada’s authorities failed to warn them they were likely targets of China-affiliated hackers, despite the FBI having this information in 2021.

Those complaints come as the public inquiry into foreign interference in Canada’s democratic processes prepares to deliver its first report.

As David Akin explains, the politicians who were allegedly targeted say they only recently found about the cyberattacks.

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  1. Canada is a colony of usa and piggy bank of china. The Gov puts so much rules to contol people's life and now its hard to live without breaking it. Need permission and license for everything. It will end up we need to get a permission and pay fee to poop more than 3 times a day soon or later. ?
    While gov is baby sitting citizens, the politicians are violenting law without getting any punishment. Soooo bad.

  2. More american propoganda anti china and usa narrative. You think china can hack when the usa invented the net and most of software like Microsoft. Usa can only hack 4g not 5g network.

  3. I'm not going to get into this debate because I think we're all very educated on how our government really wants to become a dictatorship. But ask yourself this question. If world war 3 was to break out tomorrow would you live or die?

  4. Chinese ?? government has training centers for hackers like APT31 group to commit cybercrimes in other countries including Canada ??.
    – APT31 is a run by China's Ministry of State Security and has a $10 million FBI bounty on them.


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