Gaza mass graves sound alarm for independent UN investigation


WARNING: Video contains content that may be disturbing to viewers. Discretion is advised.

The United Nations (UN) is calling for an urgent and independent investigation into mass graves found at two Gaza hospitals after Israeli forces withdrew.

Palestinian officials are exhuming what they say are hundreds of bodies, many found in disturbing conditions. Israel says any allegations its forces are responsible are baseless and categorically false.

All this as the world waits for Israel’s ground assault on Rafah.

Crystal Goomansingh reports.

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  1. [[Updated]]: ?????? “Been that way for 30 years.” – U.S. Justice Department on the lack of Human Rights in Oklahoma County Jail, 2020

    “Makes me feel human again after this place.” – Oklahoma City Art Museum review after life in the local shelters (20+ years in the making), 2024

    “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” – Nelson Mandela ??

  2. Really?!? How low can you get Global? Have you no dignity or self-respect that you must make up these lies? Don't you know that you will be held accountable for every word you speak! Who is paying you off? The LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil!

  3. Funny all Trudeau tough talk has diminished when things get serious.
    I think this is a more pressing issue then the Ukrainian war.
    I dont have anything against Russia but i certainly do with IDF and its fast paced battle tactics that leave such a high collateral damage impact.

  4. Yah, Sure….let's blame Israel.
    It definitely couldn't have been Hamas…. wake up people!!!! there's hundreds of thousands of Shia killing Sunni in the surrounding Islamic Nations…
    But I guess
    "NO Jews NO news."
    Correct, Golbal/ CBC??

  5. Theirs literally video of hospital staff saying they’re forced to dig mass graves months agoe at these exact places. Now their digging them up and using them for propaganda


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