Columbia University’s senate votes to investigate school’s leadership on Gaza protests


In the U.S., Columbia University’s embattled president is reportedly facing a reprimand, after school leaders voted and approved a resolution calling for an investigation into the university’s administration.

They say the decision to call in police to clear student protests undermined academic freedom and disregarded the privacy and due process rights of students and faculty members.

The vote was held as more protests erupted outside the campus gates on Friday, with pro-Israeli demonstrators making their voices heard.

Negotiations to end the pro-Palestinian encampment continue into the night, and there are fears of more clashes as demonstrations spread across the country. Neetu Garcha reports.

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  1. !!My outlook on money changed when I realized someone making $300,000 can retire broke & someone making $80,000 can retire a multi-millionaire. With the current market movement, you have $100,000 to invest. Where are you investing it?

  2. Google search seems to suggest this girl Selina is not a student at Columbia university…. Yet she took this upon herself to protest at a school which probably rejected her application. And she was saying about not using her tax dollar towards causes she doesn’t agree , yet I wonder how much taxes she has paid in her life

  3. I wish you would ask the protest organizers what they demand and what they are against, instead of showing one student holding an Israeli flag… Global News you're bought and paid for 🙂

  4. Use the National Guard to promote the domestic oppression of peaceful student protester political dissidents expressing opposition to a Zionist polity trampling human rights? Outrageous! As per the fifth Vice President of the USA, "What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty." The founders of the USA didn't intend for the USA to maintain a permanently standing army, much less a national guard that's a part of a permanently standing army. The founders of the USA certainly didn't intend for the USA to maintain a national guard for the purpose of crushing political dissidents opposed to a Zionist polity established in the 20th Century. The founders of the USA weren't shills for AIPAC or the ADL.

  5. I just don't know what they are trying to achieve. Do they think that the head of the university can just call up Israel and order them to stop the war? These protests will have no effect on what's going on in Gaza.

  6. ?… "The Battle for Justice in Palestine is not merely a Political Struggle, it's an Elemental Moral Battle, it's a Fight for the Most Basic Human Rights of a People who have suffered these Injustices for far too long, it's the Fight for the Right to Exist in Peace and Security Free from the Ceaseless Spectre of Violence and Dispossession" … ! … "If you are not Careful, the Newspappers will have you Hating the People who are being Oppressed and Loving the People who are doing the Oppressing" . … ! ! ! "Malcom X"


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