BC baby orca: Stuck in lagoon for weeks, killer whale calf is finally free


At 2:30 a.m. Friday at high tide, B.C.’s orphaned orca whale calf, Kwee-sa-hay-is or ‘Brave Little Hunter,’ swam past the sandbar where her mother beached and died, towards Little Espinosa Inlet, and onto Esperanza near Zeballos.

The calf has been stuck in a shallow lagoon since March 23, when she and her mother swam through a narrow channel connected to the ocean.

Global’s Kylie Stanton tells us what happens next for the little orca.

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  1. Orcas (also known as killer whales) are indeed dolphins. They are the largest members of the dolphin family (Delphinidae) and are closely related to porpoises. While they are often referred to as “killer whales,” this name is a misnomer, as they are not actually whales, but rather dolphins

  2. ?do not let it adapt and steal our food supply..

    It is our direct competitor and we need the ocean fish more..

    Nature tried but like we do best, we failed it!

    Now it must live a real rough life trying not to be caught by tuna fishers while trying to feed itself to survive on our fish..

    That’s a win for humans ??

    So ironic.. ?


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