Trudeau announces loan guarantee program for Canada’s Indigenous communities | FULL


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Tuesday, while in Saskatoon, Sask., that the federal government will offer up to $5 billion in loan guarantees to support Indigenous communities seeking ownership stakes in natural resources and energy projects.

Trudeau said Ottawa is also promising to spend millions more to help Indigenous communities with housing and health care needs as part of last week’s budget.

The budget promises $390 million to renovate health facilities, including support for a virtual health hub led by the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies.

The budget also includes $918 million for housing and infrastructure in Indigenous communities.

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  1. Canada needs to remove this man from office. He will eventually take huge loans to pay WEF and NATO against the will of the people and then force huge cuts and taxes to pay the loan to China. Canada will be paying for his misguided efforts for generations.

  2. Why does he make himself to be the hero of all!! The First Nations communities have been begging (much like the Vets have to) to get money they deserved long ago. This fool made a promise at his last election that the First Nations people that weren’t lucky enough to have drinking water…..would get it now that he was in power. The Vets? He told them they were asking for more than he could give. What gives Toots? Frantically trying to,claw back your previous voters?

  3. You come to Canada as illegal refugees with 7 or 8 kids, you will receive total package tax free $9880 every month from JT. This package does not included free 5 star hotels to stay plus $359000 legal aid fees. According to my source it takes 5 years to settle Refugees claim, While Canadians born in Canada has no place to live and hard working class Canadians tax payers has to pay for it.


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