Solar geoengineering: Can it solve the climate crisis?


On top of cutting down on emissions, solar geoengineering is being touted as an alternative approach to slow global warming — but it is also an unproven technology.

Debate is especially growing about stratospheric aerosol injection, a type of solar geoengineering which could someday help slow the effects of climate change.

Eric Sorensen explains the science, benefits and concerns of this potential solution to the climate crisis.

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  1. [[Updates]]: ??????“Been that way for 30 years.” – U.S. Justice Department on the lack of Human Rights in Oklahoma County Jail, 2020

    “Makes me feel human again after this place.” – Oklahoma City Art Museum review after life in the local shelters (20+ years in the making), 2024

    “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” – Nelson Mandela ??

  2. So these people openly tell you that it’s very difficult to study geoengineering and use phrases like “IF this works…” and you call them “experts”? Sorry but there are no experts in this area because nobody studied this activity and its long term effects properly simply because it’s never been done before. Writing books on a topic that nobody understands properly doesn’t make someone an expert. It’s not possible to play with climate in one country without affecting all others. UAE has been engaging in playing God with the weather for years. The result is there for all to see. Cooler climate and less CO2 will affect all life on the planet. This is simple science that these “experts” are now trying to rewrite. This area needs regulation and a proper balanced debate front the proponents and the opponents of this idea. At the moment, all opponents just get silenced and all we get is an echo chamber of “experts” who insist that we must stop the sun from shining!

  3. Wow, this is such a bad idea. We can’t even get a daily forecast right but now we’re going to tamper with the climate, something we barely understand and can’t even accurately model. So so so stupid.

  4. China ?? accounted for 2/3 of new global coal plant capacity in 2023.
    – China built 70 GW of new coal-power capacity last year, almost 20 times the rest of the world's 3.7 GW combined.

  5. When will our human race understand that the universe/ mother nature doesn't need our patch-up strategies to protect her? There was Earth ? before human beings and there will be Earth if humans extinct, and a new creature evolves. It's all a process and a matter of time. Let's live a life in the presence of and enjoy the resources which Earth has created for us to use and share. Just be mindful that it's not only for us but for all.

  6. it would be cheaper and more efficient, and give you a surprisingly fast result to sustain and restore natural ecosystems – how many times do we have to show that nature is way more efficient at these things than technology – and way less expensive?!!!

  7. I do not trust science anymore and I do not trust the government however I have watched the movie highlander and he thought he was a genius too for designing a field around the world…let's just say it didn't work in the movie and with the idiots we have in power it will never work in reality either..but really it's not about me they have probably already sold my soul one way or another…but I vote no on messing with nature I also vote no on them trying to kill the earth to stop climate fake

  8. Been telling people they've been doing this for a while
    But the past 6 months they just went nuts and sped up the process…what i find crazy is that people down here don't even know what's happening and barely lift their heads up when plane chemtrails are all over the sky

    We truly are a bunch of ?


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