Hamilton man’s car impounded by police over Service Ontario’s registration mistake


A Hamilton man faced a bureaucratic nightmare when his Toyota was towed and taken away by police due to a mistake with his vehicle’s registration.

Despite having all the necessary paperwork, including proof of ownership and purchase, the police seized the vehicle and it took several weeks for the man to get it back.

The mistake was eventually traced back to a problem with Service Ontario, but the Ontario government has taken no responsibility for the error. The incident cost the man about $5000 and left him without his vehicle for weeks.

Global’s Sean O’Shea reports.

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  1. Meanwhile, a guy with an actual stolen car gets a ping from the air tag on it giving its exact location and the cops do NOTHING. The government departments involved don't give a crap about this guys situation because they are profiting off their own screw ups, there is zero accountability and there is no one with the common sense or authority available to put the brakes on so you get "computer says no" now pay up. Real car theft is all but ignored while they pursue imaginary car theft because it's easier. This is a perfect example of what is wrong with Canada right now.

  2. We are talking paperwork … what happen to serve and protect – why wasn’t his word, documents and dealership enough to collaborate. At least give the man 24 hours to produce said documents. Nightmare.

  3. Does everyone on this show frequent Danielle Smith's businesses? ie. concentration camps.

    Did I mention that my name is Catherine Elizabeth Charlesworth?

    I am an occultist and you shall all fear me, Ms Smith!

    I am on a vengeance mission, Ms Smith!

    What does that say to you, Ms Smith?

    About your toll, Ms Smith?





    Forever and ever amen.

  4. It's the dealership mistake compounded by the legal system rigidity. Yet, the people would be behind the system if it were not so biased in favor towards those who exploit the system. Mistakes happen, sure, but we're beyond the system making "honest" mistakes and full on drowning in corruption and self interest.

  5. I had my drivers license associated with someone with the same name from another city far away a place id never been to and had to fight to get my license back! The "system" needs worked on!

  6. Like many mentioned here, the costs to hire a lawyer to recoup costs from someone else's mistake will likely cost more the the money he's spent to finally get his vehicle back. Even if it's the dealer's fault, they can tell him to pound salt knowing very well it won't be worth his financial effort to go after them. Once again proving that justice is only available to those who can afford it. He should name and shame the dealership so people know to take their business elsewhere if they refuse to take responsibility for their screw up!

  7. People get your car trim sorted out and make sure it is correct on the registration and it matches your actual car trim. Go fight your dealer for the letter that you need to take with you to Service Ontario in order for them to fix it.


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