Federal budget 2024 failed to spark “political reboot” for Trudeau Liberals, poll suggests


The 2024 federal budget failed to spark a much-needed rebound in the polls for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s trailing Liberal party, according to new Ipsos polling released Tuesday.

Ipsos polling conducted exclusively for Global News shows voters’ reactions to the 2024 federal budget mostly ranged from lacklustre to largely negative.

In addition, asked about how they’d vote if a federal election were held today, 43 per cent of respondents said they’d pick the Conservatives, while 24 per cent said they’d vote Liberal, followed by 19 per cent who’d lean NDP.

CEO of Ipsos Global Public Affairs Darrell Bricker breaks down the numbers.

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  1. Junior is going to be voted out, just Wynn in Ontario, being turfed. The once young and handsome leader proved himself to be an absolute failure within the country and internationally. If I were him, I would have taken a long walk in the bush and resigned like his senior. But, bet you anything, he would drag on to juice out every drop for his own interest.

  2. !!My outlook on money changed when I realized someone making $300,000 can retire broke & someone making $80,000 can retire a multi-millionaire.. With the current market movement, you have $100,000 to invest. Where are you investing it?

  3. The next election isn't until 2025, that's a lifetime in politics. NEVER believe polls, most people if they answer at all don't tell the truth, especially if who they're voting for is unpopular. Voting is a private, personal thing. The Liberals will probably win another minority, although it will be the Bloc that props them up as people take their anger out on the hapless NDP. As the next election approaches, the Liberals will scare the bejesus out of Canadians by saying that the conservatives will cut EVERYTHING, take away their abortion rights, make weed illegal again, raise the retirement age to 80 etc, etc.. Most of this if not all is ridiculous and not true, however, it won't matter, the fearmongering will work as it always does.

  4. I have never understood, and probably never will understand, why Canada has so much trouble finding real party leaders. Our current crop is one of the saddest I have seen in 60+ years. The Canadian Three Stooges; Jussie, Po, and Curly Schmoe.

  5. if you wanna know how P.P will be Prime Minister all you have to look at is Ontario Ford look at all the corruption that Ford is doing how he’s overpaying his staff how he sold the Greenbelt to investors how a lot of other shady things that he’s been up to

  6. We now spend one billion dollars a week to service the interest on our debt. Our dollar is weak , GDP to debt is sinking us and the bloated government with useless departments is greatly adding to inflation . Those who support the left are now showing their mental illness for all to see . Just debate one and see for yourself .


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