Tommy Robinson back on trial on Monday for attending march against antisemitism


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I’m in London, England right now, having flown all the way from home in Western Canada to report on the latest trial of Tommy Robinson, the “controversial” citizen journalist and activist.
Tommy was attending a march against antisemitism here in London a few months ago. He was there as a journalist to document the march, but also as a supporter of the Jewish people. But instead of welcoming Tommy as a supporter, Gideon Falter, one of the left-wing march organizers, asked the police to remove Tommy. Not because Tommy had done anything wrong. Not because he was violent, but simply because he made some bully from the left anxious.

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  1. thank you for covering this, many people in the UK only believe the football hooligan headlines by the msm, however as his documentaries and news reports show he is a credit to journalism, i always thought bad of him till i saw his telford documentary , so being curious i looked into this man, wow how brain washed is the uk by msm , God bless this man and his family and journalist team.

  2. Actually, a Jewish organisation that organised the march did ask the police that they didn't want Tommy to attend the march. However, that was no reason for the police to arrest Tommy. From what I saw, Tommy refused to leave, so that is when they arrested him. I'm not saying the police did the right thing. I can appreciate where Tommy is coming from, and he shouldn't have been banned from returning to London for any reason. However, it was the court that did that.

  3. Neomarxists are so scared of Tommy that they have him followed everywhere. Neomarxists know they are guilty as hell so they would rather lock him up any way they can.


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