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Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie interviews Blaine Baiduk, a trans woman, who says kids need to be given the chance to be kids, and not encouraged to take puberty blockers or undergo radical surgeries.
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Danielle teaches the drama teacher a lesson
The governments are playing people and causing hate so they can jail us for hate.
Me me me
Thank you for showing that not all transgender individuals endorse this radical liberal agenda – providing a much needed perspective.
There brains dont fully developed intil 25 years old
If transwomen are considered to be women, does this imply that there are only 2 genders?
Trudeau is such a feckless wimp. Just because he wants his son to be a girl doesn’t mean we change laws and common sense.
How many children that was transgendered, are now regretting what happened to them? Many. The government wants to destroy them. Trudeau is one sick evil tyrant. He wants to destroy this country and every Canadian. When will he face Treason???
What Trudeau did to young people, to the country as a whole, cannot be forgiven. He must answer for everything in full. There is no excuse for him.
Don't forget none of this insanity is to be paid for by taxpayers! If you want to modify your body you pay for it out of your own pocket like anyone else that wants a nose job or a boob job!
F*ck right off!!
A crowd of moral monsters hides their faces under masks.
He s the one stealing options for parents. He liés ALL the Time. He is a psychopath.
Trudeau don't care about families. Only cares about his sick weird ideology image.
Homeschool. Get your children away from the activists running the schools.
Ban it all.
I'd be like…..to the reporter…you're going to jail for spreading child abuse.
puberty blicker dont delay… its destroy puberty
What an idiot
I can get behind a rational trans ? no homo
Teachers are pushing this everywhere the man is delusional he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about men are trying to take over women's bathrooms locker rooms gyms our lives are words they're changing women are the victims in this in children it is psychological abuse and until it stops it's just men taking over women's places women's rights now women we have rights but men can't have them because they're biologically men this is not hate speech this is biology this is reality I am dyslexic I hope this wrote well because I use my voice chat save all the biological women and the children please get your senses back and stop this?????
There is NO such thing as a "conservative trans woman" or trans person. Smarten up!