Federal budget 2024: Liberals failed to tackle “corporate greed,” Singh says


NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh expressed disappointment in the Canadian government’s 2024 budget on Tuesday, saying the Liberals “ignored the opportunity to take on corporate greed.”

The NDP has a supply-and-confidence agreement with the minority-governing Liberals, which will face a federal election no later than 2025.

Global’s Mercedes Stephenson breaks down Singh’s comments on the budget and whether they could hint at the NDP voting against it.

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  1. Why would they tackle corporate greed when they are in on it? THEY caused the problem, reap in the benefits, and are giving crumbs to the people and wonder why are these peasants so angry? Curious as to why they will change the criminals code only for offenders of violent car jackings and not all car thieves? Is there not enough budget to fund our prisons? AI can help. Why do people need 20 luxury cars and 10 homes? That's plenty of tax $$ to fix this dump of a country. What a corrupt government if we ever had one in the history of this country. If anything, we see this as an example of why no one should trust government.

  2. He pretends he hates it because he knows how unpopular Trudeau is but he’s going to support it. It’s insulting to act as if we’re stupid enough to believe he’s considering. Take note voter, he thinks you’re idiots. Please prove him wrong

  3. A warning label before any one tries to read this budget : Its Ultra Woke – targeted at vote buying
    The budget falsely claims that for a household , carbon tax rebates are more than carbon taxes
    A few things stand out
    – The budget expects $20 to $30 billion more in federal tax revenue each year
    – Real GDP growth is almost none existent
    – The federal debt is actually $1.33 Trillion
    – Debt service charges are now $47 billion and are expected to rise to $54 BILLION for 2025
    – Saying inflation is 2.5% for 2024 is a flat out lie
    – What is the point of spending millions on AI development is if Trudeau is going let walk out the door ?

  4. Oh no! Oil and Gas and big business grocers might leave if they are taxed more after record breaking profits? Good riddance! We don't need more corporate growth. Corporations under our capitalist system do more harm than good. We need Doughnut Economics, not Linear Wasteful Capitalism.

    Funny how neoLiberal policy and Conservative policy are just like two cheeks of the same backside. Both capitalist supporting, through and through, but PP and the Cons seem to be fooling people into giving him more power so he can make life in Canada even more unequal, more power to the corporations and less to the people. I can already see it: Pierre will blame all problems if he is in power on Trudeau saying "he made such a bad problem, we can't fix it yet, the high cost of living is Trudeau's fault always, and never ours."

  5. Updates: ??? “Been that way for 30 years.” – U.S. Justice Department on the lack of Human Rights in Oklahoma County Jail, 2020

    “Makes me feel human again after this place.” – Oklahoma City Art Museum review after life in the local shelters (20+ years in the making), 2024

    “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” – Nelson Mandela ??

  6. No No Jagmeet doesn't support corporate greed, he doesn't even know what it is. He does on the other hand support hush money and bribes to turn a blind eye to fraud and embezzlement.

  7. Pharmacare isnt even legislated yet! Lol. So no one will see that to fruition till prob election time next year. And i bet thats one thing the ndp and libs will campaign on. "Vote for us bc we will pass that pharma and dentalcare plans, this time". Smh. Ndp need to be voted out of existence and if they vote for this reporters need to do their job and ask him why he stayed in the coalition so long when lib did not keep their end of the bargain??

  8. We all know Jagmeet will pass the budget as he wants his pension. Because of the NDP support of the Liberals the NDP will be lucky to have 1 seat beside the Green Party in 18 months

  9. What is this WEF inspired "Global tax"? I've heard very little about it. I don't know if this is truth or otherwise. As for the rest of this disaster, it's going to impoverish Canadians further. Eyewatering taxation, ever higher inflation, more flight of investment, resulting in poorer productivity, and ultimately higher unemployment. Did a bunch of monkey's put this together?

  10. Failed Liberals again, NDP will always support Trudeau Commies. I will be very worries about what the Commie Trudeaus have buried inside the budget paperwork. Nothing good for Canadians here!


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