“I want to see Canada thrive” Defending the future of oil & gas against Trudeau’s net-zero goals


| Alexa Lavoie speaks with Heidi McKillop, a prominent documentarian specializing in oil and gas shared her insights polarizing debate on energy in Canada during the yearly Canada Strong & Free Network.

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  1. Uhmmmmm, wow. Just wow. I am all for confidence and supporting our economy but could your feet touch the ground again please? A bit of humility and a good dose of reality would go a long way to making this almost believable. ?

  2. How will solar work if they keep spraying our sky with harmful chemicals (geo engineering) in order to block the sun to supposedly cool the earth. No one talks about this crime against humanity.

  3. Power satalites are the future. Decades out but doable. But the point is to make living impossible. They are eugenicists. They plan to reduce humanity to 500 000 people on the planet.

    It has nothing to do with the environment.
    Understand the religious argument behind it.
    Satan rebelled against God and has no physical body. He was not part of the council that set it up.
    He hates humanity because we are above angels and demons. That burning jealousy is what influenced the parasite class that hates humanity.
    That is the plan and the motivation. Logic and reason have no part in this.

  4. I like this woman. Trudeau's agenda is to not see Canada thrive. Haven't Canadians figured that out yet?

    For all who hate petroleum products prepare to be without almost every beneficial product that can be made from it.

  5. More hypocricy from Justin talking about admiration for China's basic dictatorship and how it makes them "green" and energy responsible. The irony when we see them building more and more coal plants – with coal Canada provides to them. When they have among the highest emissions in the world… that for some reason we have to pay for. When he, and the top 1% in wealth, and WEF are among the highest polluters in the world. This is how we know they lie about their concerns, motivation, and goals.

  6. Both JT and Guilbeault are hypocrite period there you people.

    Guilbeault needs his prison orange jump suit again there you people.

    There is nothing as net zero,people have their heads in the sand if they think this is possible.


  7. 2023 Canadian wildfires

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Beginning in March 2023, and with increased intensity starting in June, Canada was affected by a record-setting series of wildfires. All 13 provinces and territories were affected, with large fires in Alberta, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec. The 2023 wildfire season had the most area burned in Canada's recorded history, surpassing the 1989, 1995, and 2014 fire seasons, as well as in recorded North American history, surpassing the 2020 Western US wildfire season.

  8. 0:00: ? Championing the importance of oil and gas in Canada's future amidst global challenges.
    3:10: ? Supporting the crucial role of oil and gas in Canada's future despite challenges from the government.
    4:45: ? Challenges in transitioning from oil and gas, political ideologies, and concerns over clean energy production.
    7:21: ? Quebec's stance on natural resources due to hydro Quebec's influence in energy sector.
    9:08: ? Passionate defense of Canada's environmental values and leadership in natural resource management.

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