Canadian coalition demands health agency task force take action on cancer screening


A group of leading Canadian doctors are calling for cancer screening to begin earlier. They’re criticizing a federal task force already looking into the issue and calling for urgent action.

Doctors nationwide say the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) task force responsible for making recommendations is not doing enough to promote early screening for a wide range of cancers, and believe lives are being put at risk.

Global’s Katherine Ward has what you need to know.

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  1. Incompetent Nurse Practitioners are also a problem, my wife’s 10 lb weight loss in one week was put down to her imagination, 3 weeks later I took her to emergency myself, when she was coughing blood. After some X-rays and a lung biopsy, she’s was diagnosed with lung and brain cancer. The specialist at the Hospital wanted to know why this was left so long, especially the weight loss. I said ask the Nurse Practitioner she said it was all in my wife’s imagination.
    She started Chemotherapy March 2023, she Died August 2023.


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