? | Tell Trudeau to axe the carbon tax!
David Menzies reacts to a critical column penned by local Uxbridge, Ont., journalist Roger Varley. Farmers staging a protest against the carbon tax warned Rebel News that this reporter is anti-farmer and pro-carbon tax.
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I wouldn’t personally call Trudeau reporter actual journalist
Paid by State taxpayers on. bailouts & journalists are two concepts than cancel each other
He must eat cardboard, ohh perhaps he is eating crickets!!
Morons who think food comes from door dash !
If you read into melenkovich cycles, "Global Warming" starts to make sense. WEF shills peddle a control agenda under the guise of "climate crisis"
My God never realized how many idiots lived in Canada ?? before. Some of them are easily brainwashed by the liberal government. Or maybe they are just being payed to take the coalition governments side.
He better to go on a hunger strike and see how he appreciates farmers
Roger just gets his food at the grocery store because they have nothing to do with farmers.
If your anti farmer your anti food I for one like to eat without having to go catch my meal first.