Anti-carbon tax protester has a message for Justin Trudeau!


| Entrepreneur in the construction industry, Robert Dorion, emphasized the impact of the carbon tax on Canadians, stating, “Canadians are squeezed on groceries, they’re squeezed on rent, they’re squeezed on the cost of living.” He criticized the lack of consultation with the public and called for greater accountability from elected officials.
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  1. More garbage.
    Quick point…
    YouTube only monetized a video that is 30 seconds or more.
    That’s why garbage like this has nothing but, well, garbage, before the so-called story starts.
    Essentially stealing your time for profit.
    And this person who’s completely non-understandingable, I can make up words to is a complete drain on this lost channel.

  2. Canada is not democratic country Canada become a war monger without the ability to protect herself no money, no army do you know that in case of a war Canada relying on USA army protection? this is hilarious.

  3. We Canadians can vote all we want but as long as Trudeau is in control, he controls the polls as well. The rampant voter fraud is a major issue and he wants to change voter laws to make it easier for the Liberals to cheat. This scum in control of this country will do ANYTHING to keep his power. We Canadians have to stand up and put a stop to him, his lies and force him out of power.

  4. The greatest deciever ,has no conscious hurting any and all Canadians, truly Justin you are forgien dictator, nothing makes sense with your leadership with Canadians or Canada , Your Canada’s greatest Problem , get out of our way , enough is enough ,

  5. There is no democracy in Ukraine as there is no elections or competition, a nat zee run militia, and the most corruption in EU or rest of the world. Giving them billions of tax payers money is not helping them or us. Stop the corruption here, people are fed up with the lies and kick backs like with the Edison machinery BC.

  6. Trudeau is Wef, Communist, Cuban, and Self absorbed…..1000%. He is NOT CANADIAN AT HEART….but his heart is for abortion, and terrorism. Not one redeeming quality!!! Like Biden, hes a puppet government with friends in very low places!!!? No WeCharities in stores on top of taxes!!

  7. Here is the list of POSs in Canada 1) Canadian MSM 2) Federal Liberals, 3) Federal NDP, 4) Quebec's Bloc, 5) BC NDP, 6) Dr Tam and all the Canadian Doctors who defended the UNSCIENTIFIC Policies of Covid (yes unscientific, I am am scientist in healthcare and have never witnesses such a large scale abuse of science – no joke, non-conspiratorial), 7) International Mainstream Media (MSM)


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