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RCMP have no evidence because it was all fabricated
Do not believe these police, if they showed zero body cam …planted evidence …RCMP are as corrupt as Justin Castro and his demonic government.
No nody cam? I hope the judge knows the principle 'in dubio pro reo'.
These guys should get off. Then they need to Sue the RCMP and Crown prosecutors for malicious prosecution.
0:00: ?? Charges against individuals for participating in protest against public health orders, with lack of body cam evidence.
2:44: ?? Court proceedings reveal defendants' assistance to RCMP in resolving blockages at Alberta 4 Highway.
5:18: ?? Shocking revelations and solidarity shown in response to political persecution and show trial.
8:00: ?? Discussion on decentralized nature of protests in Coutts Three Trial and potential political involvement.
10:14: ? Lack of political representation in Alberta under Danielle Smith's leadership.
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NDP, Liberals, misguided justice and woke tricksters in bed with the corrupt pharmaceutical company
Trudohs goons dont need evidence LOL. Trudoh tells them to jump and the browshirts start arresting people who protest, lock up churches, arrest pastors. Its teh Liberal way and by liberal I mean Trudohs version of it not classical liberal. Too bad actual liberals dont care enough to take their party back
Now we can understand why Danielle Smith is turning our Sheriffs into a provincial police force. She is giving small municipalities the option of choosing, they can either stay will the very expensive RCMP that is controlled by Trudeau, or choose the provincial Sheriffs who are managed here in Alberta.
Trudeau liberal jagmeet ndp kangaroo court.
Art. Go home and pout for your failed attemp at leadership.
no cam evidence huh! My, how convenient.
Its the Couts 4 . Ever heard of Chris Lysak ?
Sick of this BS ! Pathetic Gov !!!
HEROES is an understatement.
Noo, at the very least these men need to be paid their salaries for the last 2 years plus interest. This is a sham, they let everybody out on bail, it makes no logical sense why the evidence would not be publicly available! We need all of our trials, and pre trials streamed on youtube. These men should have never stepped foot in their, there is a million other ways to humanely do this. How could the crown treat human beings this terrible? I don't feel safe with these courts, fake charges! Its asinine, I feel so bad for these human beings and their families, what a crock of BS!
No body cameras were working ?? Or the cameras show against the prosecution narratives??? Were they paid ???
stop paying the taxes to your socialist government
Show trials in Canada ?. Smfh
Political prisoners. Way to go Canada.
Canada is the gae.
The Establishment prevents unity out of fear that Canadians will revolt their absolute power to plunder the public purse…
In canada the media and government are working together against anyone that doesnt go along with their narrative no matter the evidence against the narrative!!!!
What did they do to be charged with 5000$ plus,if they want to be as petti as this, the real charges that need to be layed agents thr rcmp for damages over 100 thousand for the damages to the heavy equipment.
That Pastor is the goat
Political persecution in Canada under control if the WEF's Covid Cult Penetrators (CCP) and its corporate affiliates !? Not for too much longer ! The WEF is our common enemy.
Turdeau is more hated than joaquin phoenix was in The Gladiator movie
Daniel Smith has become DEATHLY SILENT !
The pastor is speaking the truth.