Global National: April 10, 2024 | Trudeau calls China “significant” interference threat at inquiry


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has given his highly anticipated testimony for the first time at the foreign interference inquiry. David Akin explains what Trudeau says he knew and when about allegations of Chinese meddling, what Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) told him and why he chose not to take action.

The Bank of Canada is holding its key interest rate at five per cent, but suggests a cut could be on the horizon. Mackenzie Gray looks at when that could happen and what Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem wants to see before making rate cuts.

With Ramadan over, hopes for a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas have been dealt another blow after Israel killed three sons and four grandchildren of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh. Jackson Proskow looks at how Gazans marked the end of Ramadan and what U.S. President Joe Biden is again urging Israel and Hamas to do.

With Canada’s wildfire season already active in parts of the country, Canadians are being warned to brace for the worst after 2023’s record-breaking burn. Heather Yourex-West looks at what’s in the forecast, what the federal government is pledging and how people on the front lines are already gearing up.

Canada has an opportunity to access its untapped lithium resources as the electric vehicle (EV) industry grows, but the road to mining those deposits presents major challenges. Mike Drolet reports on Canada’s drive toward a self-sufficient EV battery supply.

Plus, 16 moon bear cubs are recovering after being saved from a wildlife poacher in Laos, where the species is often farmed to extract their bile for traditional Chinese medicine. Neetu Garcha reports on the historic rescue mission, why the bears likely won’t ever return to the wild and how the case highlights an inhumane practice that’s plagued southeast Asia for decades.

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  1. and out comes the knife….right into the back of the country that helped him get elected. At this point this is the ONLY way he can attempt to spin things. JT thinks hes pretty clever but hes as transparent as transparent can be.

  2. Isn't there a law in Canada to identify the people who enter it so that any member of the Islamic Republic of Iran's terrorist corps or other people who embezzle billions of dollars from Iran can easily reside in Canada. Is the Taliban government in power?

  3. Isn't there a law in Canada to identify the people who enter it so that any member of the Islamic Republic of Iran's terrorist corps or other people who embezzle billions of dollars from Iran can easily reside in Canada. Is the Taliban government in power?

  4. All these allegations, but where is the proof? This hearing is just like a casual bar talk. Everything is might a have been….but it was a good opportunity to create the agencies to spy on Canadians.

  5. He jumpt in to a greedy motive of global cabal plans with a focus on securities. In 2015 predetermined to work on foreign affairs. He used pressure for a gold star on ethics stalling the 2 Micheal's release just to virtue signal. He uses each election to encourage himself the fix any loop holes for their success like their coming silence laws, they already took 5he Internet the best they could and 200 billion on AI should terrify greater than global weather. Basically admitting because Trudeau always gets away with corruption, cruilty, robbery, and the next gamble they will beat the system, and he gaffed at election for 25 as a likely election, and he smirked at the suffering, blamed Harper, and disagreed with David Johnson, embellished stories, pretended he only gets voice reports. He made it clear that the G7 is a gang of China funded WEF criminals with great fear off democracy.

  6. Wait here s second there is ZERO evidence Russia helped Trump . Nice try there . But what has been proven is Hilary Clinton bought and paid for The Steele dossier . Then the FBI used said fake information to go after a presidential candidate then POTUS . But you know this Global … The Durham Report …


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