Carbon tax meeting: Why is Poilievre pushing for an emergency meeting with Trudeau?


Political commentator Deidre Mitchell-Maclean explains why the Liberals have ‘lost support’ after the carbon tax became unequal in Canada.

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  1. Sell our natural gas to countries that use coal that would help worldwide, health issues and labor issues! We have high standards here and we would keep our high standards with no carbon tax on anyone! Common sense and respect to all!

  2. We need a carbon tax, period. The environment is sick: schools, private/public secotrs need access to government funding or nothing will ever be done about it.

    The question is how much makes sense.

    Therefore, reduce the tax..don't just recind it. The rebates give back 50% anyways! That means it's a very small tax overall.

    It also means no one is capitalizing on government grants to change the energy industry.

    That's the shame!

    Canada, you know better.

  3. I am made of carbon. I exhale carbon dioxide. Trees breathe my carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. Why isnt the solution to plant more trees? Isnt this like grade 4 science?


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