Canada’s energy minister condemns conservatives’ “reckless” demands to cut carbon pricing


Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s energy minister, defended the federal Liberal Party’s climate change initiatives on several occasions during question period on Wednesday, after several conservative MPs called for the feds to end their carbon pricing initiative.

Wilkinson dubbed the demands as “reckless” and “irresponsible,” claiming that the carbon rebate helps eight out of 10 Canadians get “more money back.”

As well as the struggles many Canadians face amid the country’s cost-of-living crisis, conservatives also highlighted the calls from six provincial premiers for the feds to establish an emergency meeting on the “carbon tax” situation.

“It is an initiative that addresses affordability for Canadians, particularly those on modest incomes, [and] it is a plan to address climate change,” Wilkinson added.

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  1. Farmers are getting very upset. In Europe the farmers covered government buildings with liquid manure and then the politicians got it that the farmers weren’t taking it anymore.

  2. national pharmacare. “It’s important not to criticize something that doesn’t exist,” said Holland.
    Wise words, though they don’t help Holland’s case: We shouldn’t laud something that doesn’t exist either.

  3. Wilkinson simply cannot admit that Liberal policy is counterproductive and injurious to Canadians. His ego is bigger than the truth by far – a truly self deluded individual. Shame on Global for giving him airtime. The media should not knowingly disseminate misinformation.

  4. These economists are from schools. The same place where they advocate communism and far-left ideologies. No one should be listening to people from that sort of environment when it is about the Canadian economy.

  5. Conservatives talking out both sides of their face, Smith wore an axe the tax shirt one day whining with PP , Next day she ups the taxes and blames everyone else for her inactiveness to the inevitable . She needs to go, she is selling out Albertans and the province. She has no plan but we are all expected to upgrade our homes to a clean system but nothing is approved to be installed in the province,and she wants to cut the rebate check and take our pensions how is any of that actually helpful? Cons are just that.

  6. Food price inflation has affected everyone globally. Interest rates have been on the rise to curb inflation. We are in a new normal interest rate environment, the interest rates of the past were artificial and long gone. Carbon tax is revenue neutral. The Conservatives are misleading Canadians. I want a Government who can adapt to change.

  7. Mmm, so any Cons see the video of Danielle Smith being all giddy and loving the Carbon Rebate in 2021? She was in full support mode back then. Now she's an obstru.ctionist purposely trying to sabotage things because of politics.

  8. Have these Con complainers not been listening? Even PP during an exchange with Trudeau yesterday has changed his tune and now agrees that 40% of Canadian households, the vulnerable ones, get more money back from the carbon rebate when using the PBO’s fiscal + economic impact analysis. Before that he used the average cost, which is a negative, to insinuate that no family/household gets anything back, that everyone pays and that's it.


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