Fatal Edmonton dog attack sparks scrutiny of animal control bylaws


A heated debate is underway in Edmonton about pet owner accountability and the city’s animal control bylaws after 11-year-old Kache Grist was killed in a dog attack on April 1.

The city confirms there had been multiple complaints about the dogs involved in the incident, which have since been euthanized.

Global’s Neetu Garcha reports on what else is known about Grist’s death, the dogs and their history and why one animal welfare lawyer says Edmonton’s bylaw is confusing.

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  1. Still feeling so heavy for this little boy. I'm sorry but the dad failed his kid. He kept the roommate when he knew the dogs could flip and look at the damn house. Its got signs up and looks pretty uninviting to me. I live in a apartment with now is a kid friendly building and I know for a fact my building company won't rent to big dogs but people don't follow the rules or bend them to fit their needs and I've been almost attacked on a few occasions. My thoughts go to the mother and I hope she gets help with her loss.

  2. My neighbor lucky she still alive & her dog was killed by 2 dogs got attacked walking on the road… Somebody found her… But her husband went over killed both dogs

  3. People who want to own a dog should have to take a course about how to look after and train a dog and then they should have to take it through a training course. This would mean no more impulse buying of dogs and few badly behaved animals. It would require a commitment of time before they get the dog so they realize the commitment of time that was going to be required after getting the dog. It would make the bylaws much easier to enforce. A noise complaint would result in a check of whether the training courses were taken and if not the dog could then be taken away. People that really wanted a dog could still have one and those that only thought they wanted a dog would never make the commitment of time to get one.

  4. Its not only cane corsos that have previously shown aggression and attacked someone before that need to be removed from society. Its any cane corso, (and most other breeds too). You really think a cane corso that has never attacked before is a safe dog that will never be a danger to anyone? Its still a cane corso, isnt it? Would you leave a baby on the floor and let 2 "good" cane corsos in? Well, of course, most of you would, because you value pets over people, and dont really care what the cane corsos would do. But remember, before you answer, its childrens lives that are at stake here, so there is some obligation to actually put your thinking cap on and answer the question correctly. Do you think ALL cane corsos should be removed from our society? If you care about children you do. Are there any more cane corsos left in Edmonton? Whos going to go round them up?


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