Solar eclipse chasers arrive in Niagara Falls, ready for path of totality


The countdown is on to a once in a generation spectacle. In less than 24 hours from now millions of people across North America will hope to catch a glimpse of the solar eclipse.

One of the best and of course busiest places to watch it will be in Niagara Falls, Ont.

Global’s Caryn Lieberman has more.

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  1. Although it looks cool in the pictures, in reality it's "meh". I was experienced the same some decades ago, nothing like "day becomes night" happens. It just similar to very cloudy and stormy day.

  2. The dullards who mock those eager to witness the eclipse, the power of the universe, are the sort of small-minded fools who think meaningless pop-star tours and album releases are thrilling historic events.

  3. When eclipse come, 2 millions Canadians continue to stay in line at empty food banks , and ours food was bomb at HAMAS/ISIS and affiliated them terror organisation. Liberal/NDP Give food on the tables for hungry Canadiens

  4. No point getting excited about this eclipse thing time you put those glasses on it will be over your right how many people will just toss those glasses on the ground as bad as mask which we still see in parking lots disgusting so imagine what Niagara will look like! The garbage to horrible maybe it will rain solve the whole problem!

  5. Great I will never find parking tomorrow lol. Everyone is going to the Canadian falls. Guess I’ll cross the border and watch the eclipse in the American side of the falls lol ?????

  6. The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon. It is also 400 times further away. That is not a coincidence. A full solar eclipse happens when they are perfectly aligned (SUN -> MOON -> EARTH) revealing only the SUN's Corona. You may want to take note of the behavior of the birds and animals as well.


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