CTV National News | Thursday, April 4, 2024: Canada’s health care crisis


Tonight painful wait new details about long delays for surgeries in Canadian hospitals I got to push through this is this is our life the hold up affecting patients the lingering effects of the disruptions due to the covid-19 pandemic for Vital procedures like hip and knee operations Jacob um was a proud son of

Canada the devastated parents of a Canadian Aid worker killed in Gaza on their staggering loss also caught on camera a terrifying home invasion aimed at stealing a car they yelling give us the keys give us the keys we have a gun plus a banking Mogul says his reputation was ruined by

National Security leaks A CTV exclusive you cannot imagine with a words damage my reputation my business and plans for a remarkable will rescue what’s anybody’s guess how long a well will survive the race to save a baby orca in British Columbia CTV national news with Omar saaden reporting tonight Heather

Buts good evening we begin tonight with the agonizing pain patients are facing as wait time times for surgeries and diagnostic tests grow across the country hip and knee Replacements cancer surgeries CT scans and MRIs now taking longer compared to 2019 before the covid pandemic hospitals are dealing with

Delays in all provinces it’s especially bad in Atlantic Canada ctv’s Garrett Barry reports from St John’s it’d be nice if I knew what may be coming to prepare Crystal Vater has a lot of questions and a long wait for answers she and her daughter have both been

Diagnosed with a rare Gene deletion it might lead to small brain bleeds aneurysms he might wake up I might be having a seizure next to him we we don’t know she won’t be able to truly rest until an MRI scan can survey her brain in February she learned she’d have to

Wait until March 4th of 2026 to get it it’s been heartbreaking is this is our life this is what we do between fighting for services and fairness for C being nonverbal artistic and just now it’s I got to fight for my own patients like her have been waiting

Longer for diagnostic tests like MRIs and for some priority surgeries like knee Replacements new data released by the Canadian Institute for health information shows Canadian hospitals still haven’t caught up and cleared the big backlog caused by covid-19 for knee Replacements less than 2third of patients are being treated within

Benchmarked times and hip replacements aren’t much different in Atlantic Canada weights are particularly long the average patient waits for 231 days for a hip replacement in PEI compared to 91 days in Ontario there are numerous factors uh including just the lingering effects of the disruptions due to the covid-19 pandemic uh with delayed

Surgeries and procedures some experts say Creative Solutions are required to get more people working on the weight lists phys assistants for example could be uh engaged in the helping solve the process so growing our surgical team Health officials and newfinland and Labrador say they are assessing whether the province needs another MRI machine

They also say they’re committing to running the machines they do have more often in order to clear up some of that weight list Heather Garrett thank you we are learning tonight a Canadian is missing in Taiwan while two other tourists from Canada have been rescued after a massive earthquake struck the

Island First Responders airlifted an injured person in a dramatic Cliffside rescue as the search for hundreds trapped in rubble is now in its third day in the Middle East Israel has agreed to open three humanitarian routes to allow more Aid into Gaza it comes amid growing pressure to protect civilians

After seven Aid workers were killed on Monday including Canadian Jacob Flickinger ctv’s Heather Wright spoke with his family for 11 years Jacob Flickinger served in the Canadian Armed Forces including a tour in Afghanistan his parents say he had a passion for service and helping others a passion

That took him to Gaza early last month he knew the risk going into Gaza yeah but he told me dad people are starving to death and and I can maybe help a little Flickinger was one of the seven Aid workers hit by an Israeli air strike as they were leaving a world Central

Kitchen Warehouse in Deer albala the 33-year-old leaves behind his parents his partner and an 18-month-old son we’ve lost a good human being but at the same time he he went away with all his heart he was doing his passion the strike has sparked worldwide condemnation and fresh questions about how Israel is carrying

Out its campaign in Gaza I have to directly take issue with what uh prime minister Netanyahu said yesterday when he said well this just happens uh in conflicts and in Wartime uh no it doesn’t just happen and it shouldn’t just happen in a tense conversation this afternoon US President Joe Biden told

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an immediate ceasefire is necessary he also appeared to condition future Aid on demands for Israel to change course and Implement steps to address civilian deaths humanitarian suffering and the safety of Aid workers if we don’t see the changes that we need to see there’ll be

Changes in our own policy many Palestinian Advocates say these demands should have been made months ago with the death toll in Gaza now more than 30,000 according to the Gaza Health Ministry for the family of Jacob Flickinger they have a message for both sides sure it’s easy Stop The Killing

Yeah um of Aid workers of innocent civilians on both sides start feeding the population release the hostages Israel has apologized for this strike calling it a tragic mistake but has yet to provide an explanation as to how it happened in the first place Heather ctv’s Heather Wright in Toronto thank

You the Strong Spring storm hitting eastern Ontario and Quebec has knocked out power to thousands I feel like we’re still in February wind gusts and heavy wet snow brought down trees and damaged power lines and the Relentless snowfall only delayed repairs some terrifying moments for a family near Toronto when

Thieves broke into their home attempting to steal a car the violent Invasion while the family was sleeping caught on camera ctv’s John Woodward reports the White Range Rover pulls up in front of this Bramton home just before 3:30 in the morning last week the surveillance video shows someone jumps

Out to case the BMW in the driveway his friends have other plans if you notice on the video the gentleman on the back he’s holding a brick so they brought a brick with them a brick to break into your house that is correct as they approach the front door the flood light

Flares no deterrence as they start smashing the door waking everyone inside they yelling give us the keys give us the keys we have a gun and um I’m like leave our house vene seni says he was shocked when they came up the stairs to where his two children were sleeping

I was just thinking about my 16-month-old I’m like if something happens to me today what’s going to happen to my 16-month-old his wife made a loud noise the group fled but the experience has left sany feeling vulnerable and looking for answers you know I’ve never been point a gun has

Never been pointed at me I’m just a regular citizen a regular citizen facing what’s become a regular occurrence in the GTA car thieves that once used high-tech tricks are trading in their tech for Brute Force doing home invasions just for the car keys the car is often whisked away to International

Destinations via Canadian ports I’m tired of hearing from constituents who are horrified terrorized hundreds of cars were intercepted at the Port of Montreal police announced Wednesday as a national coordinated response is beginning to bear fruit sey and his neighbors still concerned they hired a private security Force to patrol which

Says it’s hearing a lot of demand we started off with 25 houses but now we have um 210 and still growing sey who is from Tanzania questioning Canada’s safety he’s considering trading the BMW for a much cheaper car that won’t be a Target John Woodward CTV News Brampton high-tech Vehicles like electric cars

Are sought after as drivers turn away from gas but today Ford announced it’s delaying the start of EV production at an Ontario plant for a few more years ctv’s Adrien griel on the disappointment for Auto Workers and possibly the public Ford’s best laid electric vehicle plans

Have stalled this is a brutal brutal day for our members at Oakville assembly with EV production at its Oakville Ontario plant pushed back two years from 2025 to 2027 the automotive giant claims the additional time will enable for Bo to take advantage of emerging Battery Technology with the goal to provide

Customers increased durability and better value some employees learned of the troubling news as they arrived at work today 2 years wow like you know who knows if I’m even going to come back the delay will lead to job Cuts 3,200 uniform members work at the Oakville assembly location with the production of

The Ford Edge also ending next month at the plant there’s growing concern about how many may find themselves out of work I’m losing my job and I have to find something else I have to feed my families we have to make sure that we’re doing everything as a union uh that we

Can uh to mitigate uh the impact on on our members in 2020 the Ontario government and Ottawa each pledged 295 million in funding to secure Ford’s electric vehicle manufacturing investment in Ontario the announcement also emphasized Ford’s continued commitment to production in Canada some automotive industry leaders believe that

This delay is part of the process as companies like Ford work to reconfigure their assembly lines in baseball we play nine innings sometimes you have a bad fifth inning but you got to go the rest of the way and either we’re going to get there or the Chinese are going to get

There and sell them to us and then all we have is product and we don’t have the jobs for now those who still have a job are holding their Collective breath hoping that Ford’s EV deal has simply hit a rut a lot of unknowns as you walk

Into work today I know a lot a lot it’s GNA be a long day Ford motor says it’s 1.8 billion plan to transform this plant into an EV manufacturing complex remains on track as for how many workers will be laid off in the meantime remains unknown Adrian gobrial CGV news Oakville Ontario

In Ottawa the RCMP says it is still investigating more than a 100 cases of foreign interference it is in the broad definition of foreign interference so it’s important to put it in the context of broader than foreign interference into the election top RCMP officials offered few specifics after they appeared before the inquiry

Examining foreign interference this inquiry is happening because of public pressure generated by intelligence leaks to Media but those leaks are in violation of Canada’s official Secrets law there are new calls today to investigate that security breach ctv’s Judy Tren with this exclusive report the Spectre of foreign interference hovers over Shang Lin Shen

The banking mul can’t even get a credit card you cannot imagine with the words damage my reputation my business and my you know my livelihood I cannot make make a living in Canada well One Bank of Canada Shen is the founder of wealth One Bank 16 months ago intelligence leaks

Painted his company as a conduit for Chinese interference and money laundering there were reports he was being investigated by Canada’s spy agency the leaking the information uh so far with my best knowledge it’s manufacturer information intelligence Shen says two independent audits cleared wealth one in a letter to the mounties

Shen calls for the probe of two unnamed cus employees and one with the RCMP it’s unacceptable that individual idual entrusted with confidential information are not abiding by their Oaths of secrecy it’s unclear if the source of wealth one leaks is the same person releasing classified information about election meddling pressure generated

From those leaks did lead to this public inquiry but this former cus official says partisan motivations are at play and then also I don’t rule out the possibility the leakers may also be manipulating some of the media as well um they they may be showing documents um

Not providing the full picture but the bottom line is classified information should not be leak both CIS and the mounties began investigating the leaks a year ago but have yet to find the culprits does the government really want to find the leakers if they find them

What do they do with them they put them on trial does that create a kind of political circus that they want to avoid does that expose sensitive information that they want to keep secret cus says the leaks compromise its operations and puts the safety of its staff and sources

At risk the spy agency says it continues to investigate along with the RCMP and other government agencies Heather Judy thanks coming up preserving rent prices this is all about making the math work keeping rent affordable across the country the latest pre-budget pledge plus the final four and Player of the

Year Canadian are seeing some of the highest rent prices on record and the Liberals latest pre-budget pledge aims to tackle that announcing a protection fund as a step towards preserving prices for lower income renters cdv’s Allison Bamford explains for the last four years Dakota Ericson has bounced around rental units

Struggling to find a place in her price range now I’m in a place that’s 500 square ft and I pay over $1,000 a month so it’s challenging and especially finding it in a good area where I feel safe as well as a fine arts student she’s looking to the government for more

Support the Canada rental protection fund today prime minister Justin Trudeau pledging $1.5 billion for a rental protection fund that he says will preserve affordable rent prices a billion of that comes in the form of lowcost loans for community housing groups to purchase rental buildings this

Is all about making the math work as uh we’re creating more child care spaces as we’re creating more affordable rentals as we’re preventing uh affordable rentals from falling out of the affordable Market into uh rents that that people can’t afford this follows a slew of multi-billion dollar promises

Made in the last week that will also be allocated through loans the rebranding and repackaging and recycled announcements that we’ve seen this week from Justin Trudeau uh have been shown not to work economists say the federal government is staring down at a challenging deficit which could explain

The loan commitments we still don’t know what the interest rates or repayment plans will look like the devil’s always in the details considering how difficult pandemic loan repayments were for some businesses experts question if these programs will be worth it in the end are they going to be manageable or are we

Going to find ourselves with a bunch of businesses in know 3 five years whatever the term of the loan is who are suddenly struggling or can’t repay them and are now facing bankruptcy as a result the finer details will be revealed when the budget is tabled April 16th as for how

These promises will be paid for Trudeau says there are no plans to raise taxes on the middle class Allison Bamford CTV News Regina still ahead a whale of a tale the orphan Orca and the plan for it to swim to safety groundbreaking Canadian giraffe researcher an inis dag has died at the

Age of 91 she became the first Western scientist to study giraffes in the Wild on a trip to South Africa in 1956 I saw in the Chicago Zoo it was very tall and I was very small and I remember thinking this is beautiful and his dag was a Pioneer in

Her field and received the Order of Canada there is a tricky rescue in the works to save a young young orphan whale trapped in shallow water fisheries and oceans Canada is developing a plan to reunite the Orca with its family but as ctv’s Andrew Johnson reports time is running

Out for close to two weeks this little whale has been stranded in a remote Lagoon off Vancouver Island and the clock is ticking that’s anybody’s guess how long it can go on or how long the whale Will Survive the 2-year-old Orca calf swam into the area with its mom

Then mom who was pregnant got stuck during low tide people in the area did their best to help but couldn’t save the massive mammal and we were trying to roll it we had it rolling but it wasn’t enough like it was very very heavy as the aatat first nation honored

The life lost attention turned to helping her calf now separated from its pod and alone a team is trying to feed the young killer whale but attempts to coax it out into open water and away from where its mom died haven’t worked where’s the cap

Going to go the safest place is where it lasts all months now in collaboration with the aatat nation fisheries and oceans Canada is piecing together a rescue plan to place the calf into a sling then either drive or fly it out of the area the whale would then be

Released when its family pod is close by I think that’s the only solution if this is going to have a happy ending um it’s going to require that sort of intervention if that sounds far-fetched it has been done before and inspiring International effort more than 20 years ago to rescue Springer an orca

Discovered starving and alone near Seattle it was just like that magical moment mom sees cab it’s a family reunion and they’ve lived happily ever after and you know Springer has now had two Cals of her own officials confirmed today the Orca rescue that could involve an airlift will likely happen within a

Week for now the calf the aadat nation has named Brave Little Hunter is being monitored by drone and appears to be healthy Andrew Johnson CTV News Vancouver after the break ticket sales sore ahead of the final four matchup as star player Caitlyn Clark collects another award already one of the greatest

Players in college ball basketball history Caitlyn Clark has just been named the Associated Press player of the year once again and CV’s Joy malbin tells us she’s leading both Iowa and women’s basketball to new heights got the steal how about Clark oh she is so you could say she is the biggest story

In sports Caitlyn Clark the Iowa college basketball player seems to break records every time she’s on the court Here Comes Clark how will she go for history there it is the all-time leading score in both women’s and men’s college basketball the way Clark SS those long

Range shots has made her a star driving eyeballs TV ratings even ticket prices to unprecedented highs seats for the women’s final four going for $2,300 more than doubl the price of the men’s finals at $1,000 and it’s all Caitlyn Clark and I have to admit that was one of the greatest performers I

Have seen not just in basketball but in any sport it was that exciting that electric and truly extraordinary if I can sign with Gatorade Clark is everywhere you can too on National commercials social media selling out Arenas at 22 she’s reshaping the game and not afraid to trash talk

With rival Louisiana State’s Angel Reese going at it in last year’s final this year’s rematch said an alltime record for viewers as Clark took bragging rights it’s Iowa a lot of people counted us out at the beginning of the year with the people we lost and all we did was

Work really hard and job’s not finished next up the semi-finals Friday night facing off against the Yukon huskies and Canadian Aaliyah Edwards a star in her own right giving a shout out to home I think we’re also just growing women’s basketball in gen in general we’re not

Only a hockey country we’re trying to be a basketball country as well so um a lot of love up north and I appreciate all of you women’s Hoops have never been this popular inspiring young fans and speculation that with Clark on the court will ratings for The Women’s

Championship outdraw the men Joy malbin CTV News Washington we’ll have to see that’s our show for this Thursday I’m Heather Butz for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and I’ll see you again tomorrow a

New data sheds light on crisis in Canada’s health-care system; Ford production delays spark concerns in Canadian auto sector.

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  1. At 0:02; not new at all. Stop reporting nonsense!!! Canadians (doctor, NP,s, and citizens) have been sounding the alarm for few years now.

    Only the individual incidents are new, the fact that our healthcare system is crumbling is NOT NEW.



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