Foreign interference inquiry hears of alleged money transfers from China


At the public inquiry into foreign interference the director of cus said his agency had intelligence ahead of the 2019 federal election that the government of China attempted to funnel through a network approximately a quarter of a million dollars possibly to interfere in Canadian elections Global News first reported on this activity in

2022 citing National Security sources and today the commission received a summary of classified material produced by CIS that includes many of the details Global News first reported our chief political correspondent David aen has the details David well Donna cisis director David Vigo put this information before the public inquiry with a caveat

That this is an intelligent summary and that these are not necessarily a collection of facts but rather intelligence snapshots collected by C’s analysts that might require further investigation and context this information now is in the public domain and so these are important words of of of caveat and context I

Think are are relevant at this point but what that summary says is 11 political candidates and 13 political staff members were assessed to be either implicated in or impacted by this group of threat actors the term threat actors ceases explained in the document refers to officials associated with the

Government in Beijing working quote covertly to advance China’s interests through Canadian Democratic institutions the information put before the inquiry by cus said seven candidates from the Liberal Party of Canada and four candidates from the Conservative Party of Canada were allegedly implicated cis’s assessment was that the $250,000 from China was possibly for

Quote foreign interference related purposes though most likely not in an attempt to covertly fund the 11 candidates the cus intelligence summary the inquiry now has says the money was transferred a quote an influential Community leader to the staff member of a 2019 federal election candidate and then to an onario

MPP and those Donna are all the details that cus would put on the public record today before the inquiry but the judge heading that inquiry Marie Jose hog she also has access to all the secret intelligence that could not be released as she considers what to put in her

First report on this matter it’s due May the 3D Donna and David where are these documents coming from how is it we know what cisus was looking at the original documents are still highly classified they are not being publicly released at this point so while cus is not

Disclosing how they got this information or what exactly it looked like they are releasing these highlevel summaries of their intelligence analysis this information uh never would have seen the light of day without a public inquiry and there is still more information that we don’t know secret details the

Commission will look at at behind closed doors Donna okay David in Ottawa thank you

Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) director David Vigneault has testified at the foreign interference inquiry that the agency had intelligence before Canada’s 2019 election that China’s government attempted to funnel about $250,000 through a network, possibly to interfere in Canadian elections.

Global News first reported on this activity in 2022, citing national security sources.

As David Akin explains, the commission has received a summary of classified material produced by CSIS that includes many of the details Global News first reported.

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  1. These are immediate steps Canada ?? needs to minimize Chinese interference:
    – limiting the number of diplomatic and consular officials (spies) allowed in Canada,
    – closing down the Toronto and Vancouver consulates,
    – creating a foreign agent registry making foreign interference a crime,
    – closing down Beijing’s “police stations,"
    – canceling "sister city" programs with China,
    – closing down all Confucius institutes,
    – Banning United Front Work and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office operatives from entry to Canada.

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  3. chinesses are bad bad people justuna and his team .got them selfs in to.. lmaoo…. wonder how they going to get away. with it all. PP is in ?? they sinking the whole ship ? freeland and justuna .? . lmao. oh and taking the whole ndp group, with them, to lmao.. the ndp ,in BC just lost 88% ,of there voters so far …

  4. So someone in China gave $250,000 to 11 candidates of both liberal and Conservative Party that works out to about $22,000 per politician.
    How on earth do they make the major leap that the government of China is trying to change the outcome of the election ?
    CSIS just parroting the talking points of their puppet master the US State department spreading rumours that China is bad .
    How about CSIS not keep secretes from the Canadian public and tell all what they know instead of implying things .
    This just sounds like normal influence peddling to buy favours from politicians and don’t think for one Minute the Chinese are the only ones doing it .
    Remember Lying Brian and the $300,000 USD in CASH smuggled across the border in paper bags ?


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