Will medical schools fix Ontario’s family doctor shortage?


York University is going to train new family doctors and Ontario needs lots of them so just relax for me 2.3 million ontarians are currently going without a number the Ontario medical association expects to double in the next few years as family doctors retire reduce patient rosters or go into other Specialties for

Perspective uh six physicians in in Sue St Marie left retiring from Group Health Center and that led to 10,000 patients abandoned Dr Andrew Park says patients without family doctors don’t live as long and have a lower quality of life he welcomes the new medical school but

We’re not going to train our way out of this problem the greatest capacity to absorb those 2.3 million patients is what exists in the current system meaning getting the family doctors we already have back into the practice or reducing barriers so they can take on more patients I think it will do very

Little to actually improve the situation this family doctor isn’t optimistic that a new medical school will solve the problem so we have over 5500 trained family physicians in onario right now who are not practicing so what’s the problem well many simply don’t want to practice Family Medicine it’s just really not become a

Sustainable thing to do to practice comprehensive Family Practice on turto that’s why hijazi says he’s leaving Family Medicine one of many to do so citing the 20 hours a week spent on unpaid admin tasks instead of seeing patience and pay that hasn’t kept up with inflation the um compensation that

Family physicians are receiving has not kept pace with the rising cost of running a business kumin and says compensation for family doctors needs to be competitive with other Specialties most Family Physicians are small business owners and have to pay staff and overhead costs with their OIP funding meanwhile cumin and says a

Central referral system would reduce time spent on admin as with stre streamlining insurance forms and eliminating the need for patient sick notes for short-term leave we know it is possible to turn this crisis around these new seats at York University they represent Ontario’s doctors of the future hopefully ending up where Ontario

Needs the most Patrick swen CBC News Toronto

The Ontario government announced funding for a new medical school at York University. However, as CBC’s Patrick Swadden reports, doctors and advocates in the medical community are not confident that more training will solve the province’s primary-care crisis.

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