Poilievre dodges question about pulling Canada out of UN’s climate agreement


Under the ecojustice promise of a sustainable future the Trudeau government’s carbon tax has been increasing the cost of living for Canadians since 2019 in British Columbia the citizens here have been subjected to a carbon tax for even longer than that since the BC Liberal Party now renamed the BC United

Party implemented its own carbon tax on things like heating your home and driving your cars back in 2008 a tax that has to match whatever percentage the federal government’s carbon tax does that’s why when I heard that on April 2024 the same day the federal carbon tax

Has been increased by a whopping 23% that the Federal leader of the opposition Pierre POV would be doing an ax the tax press release in British Columbia I knew I had to ask him if he’s willing to take his initiative to ax the carbon tax a step further toward ending

Net Zero Madness in Canada by withdrawing the country from the United Nations Paris Accord agreement Mr PV says it’s going to be a carbon tax election H and our eeve and our Premier here David Eevee failed to join the other Premier in fighting against the increase what do you think of that I

Think he’s not going to get my vote most certainly Drea Humphrey here with Rebel news standing at a gassing go in Nao British Columbia it’s the fitting location where conservative party leader Pierre POV just did an act the tax press conference to earn the trust of British Colombians who will be casting their

Vote in what he refers to as the upcoming carbon tax election there will be a carbon tax election with a very clear choice between Trudeau a costly Coalition of Trudeau and the NDP who tax your food punish your work take your money double your housing cost and unleash crime and Chaos in your

Community or common sense conservatives who act the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime for months PV has made it clear that if his party forms government he will be axing the Trudeau government’s carbon tax and he even spearheaded an initiative to try and Spike Trudeau’s carbon tax hike

Which was implemented today April 1st and works out to be $65 to $80 per her ton by inviting premar to join the fight seven of which joined and took him up on the offer but not B sees Premier David eie the ruler of the land with the

Highest gas taxes and the government who collects millions in carbon taxes which they say goes towards rebates and green initiatives no instead EB mocked pv’s invitation I don’t live in the pier POV campaign office and baln Factory uh I live in British Columbia I’m the premier decisions have

Consequences and I know that Mr PV knows that his suggestion would leave less money for British Colombians but nevertheless as Rebel news covered for you extensively at our special website called stopthe carbon tax.com that didn’t stop many British Colombians from hitting the street to demand the tax the asked nor did it stop

Pev from coming here to spread his promise to do so if he gets into power it it is a combined tax imposed by Trudeau in Ottawa but happily administered by the NDP government of uh David eie here in British colomb British Columbia my friends the good news is

Life was not like this before Trudeau and it won’t be like this after he’s gone there but is stopping the carbon tax enough after all despite the United Nations Paris Accord agreement to encourage countries to adopt Progressive carbon emission policies by magical dates like 2030 and 2050 being optional

The trudo government passed a bill making such pressures on our country binding to the point that Saskatchewan Premier Scott Mo was threatened with legal action by the federal government when he thought it wasn’t in his people’s best interest to play along so if pev successfully gives Trudeau the

Boot in next year’s election will he give the agreement the boot too I asked that question and here’s how he answered Drea Humphrey with Rebel news you’ve made it very clear if you form government you will ask the carbon tax but will you also withdraw us from the underlying United Nations Paris court

Agreement which allows us to be unfairly taxed on our emissions while giving China a pass well we will not be unfair taxed on our on our missions and I will not give uh China or any other country a pass uh we’ll we will reduce emissions and costs but our approach is completely different

Than Trudeau’s his approach is taxes mine is technology his approach is to raise the cost of traditional energy that we still need my Approach is to lower the cost of Alternatives his approach is to put up stop signs in front of our workers my Approach is to

Green light green project s we need an a massive abundance of clean green emissions free energy by by giving fast permits and responsible responsible permits for hydro dams nuclear power carbon capture and storage offshore wave tidal wave power these are the kinds of power sources that I will bring home by

Granting quick but responsible approval so that they can go ahead that will mean abundant affordable clean energy that brings down emissions and the cost of living Trudeau wants to drive production to dirty dictatorships I want to bring it home powerful paychecks for our people thank you thank you next question

Did you hear an answer to my question neither did I it’s a shame that he played defense and did some dodging of the ball there about the agreement especially since there’s some compelling argument to be had that achieving these Net Zero targets is unattainable without great consequences to our country the

Paris agreement is not legally binding it’s a voluntary agreement and unfortunately the Canadian federal government the liberal government implemented Bill C12 which makes it mandatory that we meet Paris targets now these Net Zero targets are impossible to meet we just posted something on our blog called getting to Net Zero which actually shows

From a left leaning organization the Canadian Center for policy Alternatives it shows that we cannot meet Net Zero Targets in Canada without degrowth and economic deprivation for a quarter of a century um so that would be disastrous so in fact all we have to do is repeal this accountability Bill Bill C12 that

The Liberals imposed unfortunately there was no opportunity for a follow-up question for any of the journalists at the press conference so after it ended I decided to ask some of the people questions about their thoughts of what they saw this is Martin born and raised here on Vancouver Island what brought

You here to this press conference oh gosh I I needed to come and see Pierre I’ve never actually met him in person I don’t think I’m going to get to meet him the crowd’s too big but I really wanted to show up and support you know what he

Represents it’s um it’s such a great contrast to what we have in place right now he spoke about things like uh crime happening but the big Focus here today was the message about the carbon tax what’s your thoughts on that I I don’t understand the carbon tax

To be honest with you it makes no sense to me yeah it doesn’t make sense to well it’s nonsensical and when I hear Pierre say things like common sense it’s just such a a perfect contrast to that that that it fits in my mind what stood out

To you if anything about what you heard him say today you know he he likes to use the common sense approach a lot and that’s something that uh specifically stands out to me because I feel that majority of the politicians have become out of touch with their cons consu here

And you know especially in the island I feel like it’s it’s even more said because uh we don’t have a very big conservative following here so you know I’d say the common sense approach is you know just his his catchphrases along with a CAC so that that sticks with me

Real real good how has life been financially for you with the rise in inflation and a rise in the cost of living He little guy you know the uh the rise it really hurts um you know you we we we’re trying to take a more uh homesteading approach

To how we live you know we have some chickens for food security and everything so you know we’re we’re in a little bit of different situation than a lot of other people but you know personally I know every time I go to the gas station I’m feeling the hit and when

We do go to the grocery store a lot of the things that uh you know just even a year ago were you know doubl tripled in price and it’s it’s really affecting people uh especially you know in in my age group I’m I’m mid-30s and I know a

Lot of people who who I’m friends with are struggling very well and they all have good paying jobs so there’s nothing nothing more that can be done until just until we get some politicians that want to correct what’s what’s happened to our country so what did you make of the

Message that he had about the carbon tax given that today is the day that it spiked that we need Pier to get in so that we can not have to be taxed on everything so that our families can have a better life and better Lifestyles and

Be back on track and not not as much poverty and kids won’t be starving in schools and that’s where it’s at we need to CH have change what has how has life changed on on the island when it comes to cost of living over the last couple

Of years you just got to go to the grocery store and to take a look at a head of lettuce for instance I mean it’s $6.99 and you know and everything else has gone up I mean people can’t even afford to live or pay their Hydro bills anymore and the trudel government’s

Putting on a higher carbon tax which is the main driver of inflation because it’s making fuel go up thus everything else right so certainly not something that we need right now our Premier here David eie said you know what I don’t live in Pier pov’s baloney Factory when

He was invited to the fight does that surprise you what’s your thoughts on that type of response um well I don’t have high opinions of David so um you know he he got a taste of the money train that you know the carbon tax ABC’s

Been taken off off of us for a while now so for him to to laugh at you know asking the tax really just those volumes that you know he’s in it more for the financial gain to go on with his pet projects and he is to uh look after the

People that voted for him or or those that didn’t now I did ask a question I don’t know if you heard it I’ll ask if you know anything about the Paris Accord agreement do you know anything a little a little there’s some targets so I posed

The question to Mr PV I didn’t get the answer but it was will he withdraw us from the Paris court agreement that basically ties us legally to making these sort of commitments to carbon emissions and cutting back uh well I’m not going to have the

Authority to do that but I certainly I I would agree with pulling out of the the Paris Accord I think there’s there’s a lot of um International influence there that doesn’t respect what we are here in Canada and what we do we we can contribute so much to greenhouse gas

Reduction without being hold held to account by countries who aren’t doing what we do and can we stay in that sort of binding agreement that gives China a pass but has us being taxed quite heavily on carbon emissions I would say no I mean China is one of the biggest

Polluters in the world we’re exporting the dirtiest fuel ever to China coal and uh they’re using that to to burn for whatever they use it for meanwhile the Canadian are paying the carbon tax it makes no sense that’s exactly where I’m at with it I just we

Need to not be paying all the carbon tax for everyone I asked Mr PV if he would withdraw Canadians from that agreement what are your thoughts on that I’m 100% agreeing with it um you know the the UN definitely has its place but uh I think

In local politics it does not have any place and that’s you know the the Paris agreement is one other thing you know you’re given China a pass that’s uh massive polluter and you know in Canada here we can’t get plastic straws because you know we’re killing the Earth with

That and I just think that’s just hypocrisy at the most so I’m not I’m not in any way supportive of it uh well I’m in support of pulling out I’m not in support of what the UN is doing you know it’s similar to what you know the world

Economic forum is trying to do with a lot of countries trying to infiltrate and subject their own ideologies into politicians and people which I think is entirely wrong if you appreciate that Rebel news has had our boots on the ground to bring you up close coverage of the Canadian tax

Revolt that took place on April 1st then go to our special website called stopthe carbon tax.com there you can find and share more of our footage and you can also sign a petition to take action in seconds yourself and last but not least you can chip in a few bucks to keep our

Boots on the ground coverage going strong

? | Sign our petition and tell Trudeau to axe the tax!
Rebel News reporter Drea Humphrey asks Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre about his views on the carbon tax and Canada’s commitment to the UN’s Paris climate agreement.
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  1. Poillievre, like Turdeau, knows the people are mostly idiots and must appeal to the uneducated as well as those who are informed. He knows that most people are so stupid that they really believe the "catastrophic man made climate change" hoax. Thus he must appeal to the lowest common denominator and admit to them that he seeks "greed energy policies to reduce greenhouse gases" bullshit. It is my hope that once he gets to become PM he will finally educate the sheeple and prove to them that they have always believed in this hoax.
    Yeah, he's not likely to do that, but I can hope, as there's nothing else I can do.

  2. We need to stop dicking around and take this country back for ourselves. These politicians are toying with are lives in some sick, sadistic game! I'm done! This is not my country anymore!

  3. Ill say it again canada only contributes 1.5 percent of global emissions look it up. We have the largest boreal forest in the world which capures carbon. Climate change is not our fault stop punishing us!

  4. Thank You Drea and Rebel News! Poilievre will not pull Canada out of the UN Paris accord? We have no one then. I thought so all along. Crap! He gave a classic WEF evasion style BLAH BLAH BLAH, showing that he can singh like Justin and Christia. God help us. We need an act of God. Notice how every time the UN gets to post their Climate Change information about fossil fuels, Justin case we forget.

  5. Carbon tax money is taken away from those who overconsume gasoline for work or recreation and returned to the general population….the high tax which increases the price of gasoline combined with the subsidy for hybrid or electric cars (financed by the carbon tax) encourages the purchase of these hybrid or electric cars….which pollute less air in large cities and which reduces greenhouse gases around the planet….reducing pollution reduces health costs and increases the hard work and longevity of citizens….the high price of gasoline due to of a high tax forces oil companies to sell the cheapest gasoline possible….because if the price of gasoline is too expensive then a large number of people will use the subsidies to buy vehicles that consume little or no gasoline and that is not what the oil companies want….the effect of inflation on food is minimal according to economists….indeed….for example….for a long time….fruits from California have been able to compete with those from Canada despite the very great distance between Canada and the California.

  6. We need out of the lying UN WHO WEF… Repeal C 12. We need every ELECTED MP and MLA to block these hypocrites at any and every opportunity. Examine every document issued by the criminals at the IPCC and refute their climate hoax with supporting facts publicly and loudly and often.

  7. Better of the two evils and I will vote for him…………………..BUT! make no mistake he is a politician and he will do what is on HIS agenda NOT OURS.
    The job here is to get the DUMBER one out, Rid Canada of the name trudeau for good and Watch this guy and his band of merry misfits like a Hawk! and stop being ignorant to what is really going on. You can candy coat a POS but reality dictates that it is still a piece of $#!+
    There is really only 2 parties in this upcoming election Conservatives or liberals Do Not waste your vote on the hand full of registered Idiots……It would be a useless decision, better off not to vote at all.

  8. Poilievre needs to promise to repeal C63, ensure water and fertilizer for farmers, get rid of attacks on the family, and stop cuts to fisheries. Food security is as important as axing fake climate tax. Carbon is required for life and Canada is already net zero plus because we make less carbon than our carbon sink forests capacity. Furthermore, we need an investigation into how the government knows we will have forest fires again this year when more than 80% of the fires were arson.

  9. Carbon Taxes = air Taxes on the air you breathe plus hst on carbon tax**Carbon empoverishing taxes on everything
    Online censorship laws c11 and c18
    Thought crimes-emotion crimes Bill C-63
    all preparing for next phases of the great reset agenda by 2030
    Universal basic income
    15 minute cities
    elimination of all your debt by the international monetary fund
    categorizing recording all your material items with the intent of having to pay rental fees for all clothing worn and day to day items used
    hense "you’ll own nothing and be G'DAMN happy about that" because king Charles and Klaus Martin Schwab said so

  10. Mind if I ask why anyone in their right mind would answer, let alone even ask, that question this far ahead of an election? Are you trying to give the Trudeau – Singh alliance ammunition?

    The Carbon Tax battle has been settled for now. But that doesn't mean it's over.

  11. I keep saying Poilievre isn't our saviour. He's just another politician with empty promises. I'd take him any day over the outright traitor Trudeau, but he ultimately will get in bed with the corrupt powers grinding us down.

  12. Canadians need to realize we have had 44 federal elections. Out of those the LIEberals have been in power 24 times and the CONservatives 18. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. How is having a 45th election going to fix anything? How is re-electing the CONservatives for a 19th time going to change anything?? Its not. We have to get off this destructive treadmill of electing LIEBERALS then CONservatives then back to LIEberals then back to CONservatives on and on and on. How is it Canadians dont see the farcical circus for what it is. Its to keep us divided and slaves. Its time for a paradigm shift in the way we run our country at the federal level or we are doomed…

  13. I live in British Columbia and I cannot wait till October I will be voting conservative all the way and in the federal election I will be voting conservative all the way but we do need to get out of anything that’s got to do with climate change carbon taxing bullshit and that means the UN and the Paris accord all bullshit

  14. I’d rather see Danielle Smith as our new prime minister. She’s got way bigger balls than Pierre… she doesn’t need slogans to make points..she just lays out the facts and makes the tards look like fools they really are.

  15. Caree Politicians Are The Most USELESS Kinds Of "Leaders" And Yet Y'all Keep Voting Them Into Power No Wonder Why Our Country Is Dead And In Need Of A Total Rebuild That NO ONE Is Willing To Do That Job At All. To Think TOO Many Of Our Fallen Brethren That Never Made It Home Made The Ultimate Sacrifice For Absolutely Nothing Because It's All Been Destroyed Over Outright Fucktarded Stupidity.

  16. Pierre is focus on domestic issues right now for sure. We really hope he is successful, enough is enough with JT & NDP they never care about the people. They keep telling us that 80% of Canadian receives more rebate from carbon tax. They really think that Canadian can not do the math.


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