Global National: April 3, 2024 | Earthquake in Taiwan kills at least 9, injures hundreds more


On this Wednesday night taiwan’s worst earthquake in decades a Canadian caught in the disaster and what prevented it from being worse the former Federal conservative leader weighs in on foreign interference why he believes China meddled in Canada’s 2021 election I think a lot of people did not vote because they they were

Intimidated making a dent in Canada auto theft crisis what could drive down the problem and the hundreds of vehicles just recovered while sacrificing everything to feed the hungry these are some of the best people out there doing the most important work honoring the seven World Central kitchen workers killed by Israel in

Gaza global national with Donna freezen good evening and thanks for joining us in Taiwan rest skers worked through the night searching for survivors Trapped By An Earthquake the strongest Quake to hit that Island in 25 years buildings shook just before 8:00 a.m. local time it’s believed about 100

People are trapped in buildings tunnels and rock quaries at least nine people are known to have died hundreds more are injured dozens are Stranded by Rock slides including two Canadians earthquakes are common in Tai and this news anchor took it in stride while on air the studio lights dancing

Above her epicenter of the 7.4 magnitude Quake is along taiwan’s mountainous East Coast 18 km Southwest of a busy tourist City people there scrambled out of buildings that are left leaning precariously this is taiwan’s capital Taipei where some rooftop pools were spilling onto the streets below Nara has

Our top story on the quake and the rescue footage from taiwan’s western wallan region shows the horror of the moment a multistory building collapses onto a busy street CCTV captures the chaos as dust fills the air and people Scramble for safety our host is four

Stories uh tall and it was it was moving it was it was shaking like it was B Raymond buckton is a Canadian Living in Taiwan he and his family are safe but shaken and devastated over the deaths and damage I just hope that you know some peace for the families of the loved

Ones that are lost rescue operations are underway with firefighters and rescue crews risking their lives to save those trapped in the rubble the devastation is clear as buildings lean precariously and landslides have destroyed the landscape it’s the largest earthquake since uh in 25 years and the 1999 earthquake released about three times

More energy than yesterday’s earthquake Taiwan lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire where 80% of the world’s largest earthquakes occur the island is situated on the boundary between the Eurasian sea plate to the west and the Philippine Sea plate to the east the Philippine plate is actively moving West colliding with

The Eurasian plate and sliding under it actively creating new mountains and lifting the surface of Taiwan it’s a very unique and very comp uh tectonic setting U but similar in many ways to the West Coast of Canada where we have an ocean plate being pushed beneath North America it’s a

Terrible event for the affected people but I think it’s also a testament to the preparedness and the planning that’s gone on in Taiwan over the last several decades that that gives them a societal resilience to this type of earthquake taiwan’s early warning system sent earthquake and tsunami alerts to phones

Seconds before the shaking started they told us BRAC for shock and head for shelter a similar system is set to launch in Canada next month as Taiwan grapples with the Fallout the country’s president is promising coordinated efforts to minimize the impact of the disaster And Timely help to those who

Need it Nara Global News Vancouver pressure is mounting on Israel after it killed a workers in Gaza the founder of the charity they worked for accuses Israel of using food as a weapon of War these seven members of the world Central Kitchen died while delivering food to Palestinians among them dual Canadian US

Citizen Jacob Flickinger the head of the charity says it was a direct attack by Israel on three clearly marked vehicles that they were Target systematically car by car uh this happened over more than 1.5 1.8 kilometers so this was not use a bad luck situation where oops we Dr the bomb

In the wrong place or or no this was a very defined humanitarian Convoy that had signs in the top in the roof a very colorful logo that we are obviously very proud of but that that’s very clear who we are and what we do he also says their

Deaths were a direct result of Israel’s policy to restrict humanitarian Aid to Gaza the only reason they were there is because food is so desperately needed Crystal ganing Reports the bodies of the world Central Kitchen workers are on their way home as ambulances headed towards the Egyptian border other Aid workers like

Federico Desi mapped out how to proceed it’s the first time that the international Aid workers are killed and so for sure that has sent a shock wave across the community Desi and his team postponed their work in central Gaza as it takes them on the same road where the

Israeli strip killed the seven workers humanity and inclusion does rehabilitation work with injured and disabled individuals and provides Mobility devices the needs are so catastrophic and uh we can’t fail the Palestinians we need to to keep on and continue supporting them a GoFundMe page for Jacob flickinger’s young family says

He arrived in Gaza in March ready to help the retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces worked for wck in Mexico as well James Kirby’s family says helping was also in his nature they are Heroes all seven of them but yeah we’re we’re a little bit um unhappy with the with the response

From from Israel if I’m totally honest the Israeli Prime Minister on Tuesday called the strike tragic adding such things happen in war by Wednesday morning the idf’s chief of staff apologized we are sorry for the unintentional harm to the members of wck we were targeted the liberate

Nonstop until everybody was dead in this Convoy a defined humanitarian Convoy traveling on a defined humanitarian route the founder of the charity is calling for a neutral investigation this looks like it’s not a war against terrorism anymore seems this is a war against humanity itself to enhance

Protection for Aid workers in Gaza and facilitate Aid Israel says it’s opened a new Humanity itarian Command Center Crystal ganing Global News London in this country former Federal conservative party leader Aaron oul says he’s convinced foreign interference from the Chinese government led to the defeat of

Up to nine Tory candidates in the 2021 federal election he doesn’t believe that affected the overall outcome of the election but during testimony at the inquiry into foreign interference today otou and others stressed government officials did not do enough to warn the public and federal parties about China’s meddling David Aken

Reports Aon oul says the conservatives did not lose the 2019 election because of foreign interference by China but some of his party’s candidates did 5 to nine seats that I think were possibly changed as a result of foreign interference one of those was in the Vancouver area riding of Steveston

Richmond East where nearly half of Voters are Chinese conservative Kenny Chu Won there in 2019 but lost in 2021 after being the target of a massive coordinated disinformation campaign doors that have been opened to me near 20 some months ago uh as soon as they they heard my Chinese name umin

Rong they would shut the door in my face observe strong indicators the disinformation campaign against you was flagged during the election period by Canadian Security officials who concluded that there were quote strong indicators that the Chinese government was behind it but no one told Chu or the conservatives and no one did anything

About it I’ve been betrayed that’s how I I see it clearly a genocide is taking place in Jin Jang one reason why conservatives believe they were targeted by China Michael Chong’s motion to condemn China’s persecution of Muslim Wagers as a genocide in retaliation Chinese diplomats in Canada plotted

Threats against his family the federal government would end up expelling one of the diplomats involved Chong too testified I would say that the conservative party uh was affected in about half a dozen writings by the foreign interference threat activities directed by the government of the People’s Republic of China but the

Prime Minister on Wednesday all but dismissed that testimony I can understand where uh someone who lost an election is trying to look for reasons uh other than themselves why they might have lost an election the reality is not a single writing or the result of the overall election was impacted or changed

Because of foreign interference now that’s been the prime minister’s basic line all along but the inquiry he called has appeared to have amassed enough evidence and testimony so far that it just might challenge the prime minister’s hard and fast conclusion Donna all right dve it in Ottawa thanks

Other evidence came to light during yesterday’s testimony of Toronto area MP Han dong and whether he knowingly received support from China to help win the liberal nomination and whether the Prime Minister will bring him back into the liberal caucus dong was elected as a liberal but left caucus over allegations

China helped clinch his 2019 nomination dong denies the claims and is suing chorus entertainment parent company of global news over the issue a newly unsealed ceases report alleges Chinese State actors may have organized the busing of international students to Dong’s nomination vote that allegation has not been proven and the CEUs report

Said the information is unsubstantiated dong has previously denied it has the People’s Republic of China played a role in your nomination your election since you replaced Mr tank look you know I the answer is no absolutely not during his testimony he did reveal this I was

Reminded recently uh that um by my wife that you know there was a bus um came with students there was a bus coming with students oh there’s a bus you know with students coming to vote okay dong said he presumed that bus had been organized by the school Mercedes

Stevenson is with me from Ottawa Mercedes what’s the Prime Minister saying about whether dong could return to the liberal caucus Donna there was a marked change in the prime minister’s tone when it came to Han dong today after vigorous ly defending his former liberal caucus member Trudeau would not

Comment on dong his future with the liberal party or even say his name the Prime Minister also refused to comment on an intelligence summary that had been submitted by Canada spy agency cus to the foreign interference inquiry the document alleges an intercepted phone call between dong and the Chinese

Consulate where dong allegedly states that even if the two Michaels were be were to be released in that moment it would give ammunition to those who support a Hardline policy on China like opposition parties and also advised Chinese officials on what would plate the Canadian public when it came to

Public opinion on the two Michaels and provide useful talking points for the Liberal Party dong says he’s always advocated for the early release of the two Michaels and that he did not remember making the above statements and that they quote don’t make a lot of sense Global News twice asked the Prime

Minister when he became aware of this Cee’s summary and if it changed his opinion on Dong’s future and possible return to the liberal C but all he would comment on was the importance of the inquiry and his own desire to testify the ongoing uh foreign interference commission is an important

Way of highlighting uh some of the challenges we faced and some of the solutions that we’ve put forward to keep our democracy safe uh and I look forward to being part of it I will be testifying before the commission at next week in the past Trudeau had provided a

Full-throated defense of dong one of the things we’ve seen unfortunately over the past years is a Rise um in uh anti-asian racism linked to the pandemic uh and concerns being rise or Arisen uh around uh people’s loyalties I want to make everyone understand fully that hondong uh is an outstanding member of our

Team and suggestions that uh he is uh somehow not loyal to Canada um should not be entertain back in June Dominic LeBlanc a senior liberal cabinet minister who is now the minister of Public Safety had said he was in talks with dong about a potential return to caucus the Prime Minister

Mentioned uh to the caucus uh last week that I would be working on a process with Mr dong uh to decide uh when if and how he returns to caucus and that’s the process that I’ll be elaborating internally uh within the government and at the right moment with

Mr over the number of weeks so whether or not that potential return to caucus will still be in the cards is a mystery at this point one thing is for sure all eyes will be on the Prime Minister next week when he testifies Donna all right Mercedes in Ottawa thank you Canada’s

Stolen vehicle Crisis coming up how to put the brakes on car thieves hundreds of stolen vehicles have been recovered after a Crackdown in Ontario and Quebec since December Ontario Provincial Police and the Canada Border Services Agency say they’ve searched 390 shipping containers and seized almost 600 stolen vehicles that

Were about to be shipped out of Montreal Eric Sorenson looks at what’s driving these crimes and the strategy to stop them every 5 minutes a car in Canada is stolen the numbers have spiked up 48% in Ontario in 20122 as organized crime targets high-end vehicles for export

Many end up in containers to be shipped illegally through the port of Montreal police and Border Services are fighting back today showing off some of the hundreds of vehicles recovered in just the last four months crisis uh epidemic uh it is a significant challenge for for

Uh not just Ontario and Quebec but but our country and says the op Deputy Commissioner there is the economic impact and the safety risk to police and the public the risk to public citizens you know the home violent home invasions carjackings significant most of the stolen and recovered are from the

Greater Toronto area plus Ottawa Hamilton Niagara waterl and other regions in all project Vector recovered 483 cars in Ontario plus 115 more in Quebec $34.5 Million worth before they could be shipped to cities all over the world today was a big hit um out of the pockets of the organized crime groups

That are responsible for these and we’re not done they’re a long way from being done while some 400 containers were searched 1.5 million containers go through Montreal annually Canadian Border Services says an additional 300 Vehicles shipped by rail from the Toronto area were intercepted the cbsa is conducting its own targeting in the

Port of Montreal in Toronto ra Rail Yards and even in the port of Vancouver Ottawa convened a summit in February earmarking $28 million to tackle the crisis thieves are able to clone key fobs and reprogram computers making even the newest models quick and easy targets the insurance industry says more must be

Done not an easy feat but uh something that we’re working with manufacturers working with Transport Canada working with our International Partners to identify what other countries have had success making the vehicles more uh fortified to be able to uh be harder to steal is the ultimate goal there is

Incentive to do more last year Ontario for the first time topped a billion dollars in auto theft claims Eric senson Global News Toronto still ahead NATO’s plan for long-term military aid to Ukraine NATO foreign ministers met in Brussels today trying to find a way to move away from short-term support for

Ukraine towards longer term military assistance they agreed to plan for a multi-billion dollar Aid package the details will take shape in the weeks to come but make no mistake Ukraine can rely on NATO support now and for a long haul NATO’s Secretary General put forward a proposal to create a$ 107

Billion fund over five years the plan is for NATO to have a more direct role in coordinating the supply of arms ammunition and equipment to Ukraine taking over some of the work a US lead Coalition is responsible for now and into a third year of war with Russia

Ukraine’s president has signed a bill lowering the minimum age for conscription from 27 to 25 in the first weeks after the invasion hundreds of thousands of ukraini I volunteered to serve many of those people are dead wounded or simply exhausted and the Army needs new recruits to fill the

Ranks showing up to feed strangers next why the world needs humanitarian workers where would the world be without the helpers the humanitarians who give their time their energy and sometimes their lives to help others the charity called the world Central Kitchen was in Gaza because Israel is restricting

Deliveries of food and famine is setting in its work is based on the simple belief that food is a universal human right it served 43 million meals in Gaza and then Israel killed seven of its workers as Heather uck West reports its Founders says he believes Israel is

Better than the way this war is being waged in the worst conditions you can imagine the best of it shows up words written by World kitchen founder Jose Andre in the New York Times Wednesday 2 days after seven of the Charity’s workers were killed in Gaza by an

Israeli air strike they are not faceless or nameless he writes they are not generic Aid workers or collateral damage in war they had come from all over the world to help a dual Canada US citizen Jacob Flickinger was a retired member of the Canadian Army forces who had served

In Afghanistan he leaves behind a young family with a one-year-old son James Kirby John Chapman and James Henderson were all former soldiers in the British military who also worked as private security contractors all highly trained highly professional and a truly tragic loss to both us and indeed their loved

Ones hey this is Australian Aid worker zie frankum had previously delivered Aid in Pakistan Bangladesh and Haiti before her time in Gaza friends calling the 43-year-old a humanitarian hero there’s no words you know these are some of the best people out there doing the most important work and people like zie are

So selfless and only doing what they do because of their love for Humanity I 35-year-old Damen soble of Poland and 25-year-old saaden Isam AED Abu Taha also died trying to deliver food to a population threatened by both war and hunger the humanitarians and civilians should never be paying the

Consequences of War this is a basic principle of humanity Jose Andre closed his New York Times piece with a final message about the lives lost it is not a sign of weakness to feed strangers it is a sign of strength the people of Israel need to remember at this Darkest Hour

What strength truly looks like Heather urex West Global News Calgary and that is global national for this Wednesday I’m Donna FZ and tonight’s your Canada is yubo British Columbia thanks for watching and hope to see you here again tomorrow bye-bye

In tonight’s top story: Crews in Taiwan are searching for people trapped by a 7.4-magnitude earthquake – the strongest one to hit the island since 1999. Neetu Garcha reports on the destruction and what prevented the disaster from being worse.

Pressure is mounting on Israel to show restraint in its war on Hamas, after an Israeli airstrike killed seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) workers who had just delivered food to Palestinians in Gaza. As Crystal Goomansingh reports, WCK founder José Andrés says their deaths were a direct result of Israel’s policy to restrict humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Former Canadian Conservative leader Erin O’Toole told the foreign interference inquiry he is convinced meddling from the Chinese government led to the defeat of up to nine Tory candidates during the 2021 federal election. As David Akin reports, O’Toole believes officials did not do enough to warn everyone about China’s meddling.

Testimony from independent MP Han Dong at the foreign interference inquiry has revealed whether he knowingly received support from China to help win the Liberal nomination during the 2019 federal election. Dawna Friesen looks at what Dong revealed, while Mercedes Stephenson explains how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is responding to questions about whether Dong could return to the Liberal caucus.

Authorities say they have recovered 598 stolen vehicles, which were about to be illegally shipped overseas, from the Port of Montreal since December 2023. Eric Sorensen explains what is driving Canada’s surge in auto thefts and the potential ways to put the brakes on this crime.

Plus, the Israeli airstrike that killed seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) employees in Gaza has reminded the world of the dangers humanitarian workers put themselves in. Heather Yourex-West looks at what’s known about Jacob Flickinger, Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha, Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom, Damian Soból, John Chapman, James Henderson, and James Kirby; and what WCK founder José Andrés is asking for from Israel.

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  1. Ok I am not a fan of Israel at all in this conflict but just from what I can observe from the reporting is that there was one woman and six men in that "aid convoy". The vehicles were stretched 2 kms apart and each got blown up individually. The men in those cars were all ex military. They were probably mercs going to fight with Hamas and Israel took them out because they had intelligence that the world kitchen was bringing them in. Again, I do not support Israel at all but that is how it looks to me.

  2. ??? conservative acting like Trump?? just because Chinese Canadians don’t like racist PC doesn’t mean they are Chinese communist. Also why are international students allowed to vote in Canada?

  3. Taiwan now has better leaning towers than Pisa,Italy and no more semiconductor chip industry.
    isn't it amusing that when all these corrupt liberal politicians get put on the hot seat they suddenly seem to suffer from acute memory loss , instant Alzheimer's.
    never gonna clean up the corruption in the ports until they chase out organized crime who "own" and run the ports. Ports police are terrified of them .

  4. My condolences to the affected Taiwanese ?? who have enjoyed as a country:
    – freedom of speech,
    – freedom of press,
    – free elections,
    – a good economy, and
    – good relations with Western countries.
    China ?? has none of those things.

  5. The China interference is a joke, Israel has interfered in our politic a MILION times stronger than any other country, yet no word about it. No wonder why no one believe anymore in the main stream media.

  6. Eph. 6. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

  7. I don’t understand why if the owner or director of WCK believes their workers were “targeted” by Israelis, why he nevertheless allowed his employees to work there…used them as “cannon fodder”?

  8. When earthquakes happen on the Mainland the Sinophobic bots and trolls laugh about "tofu construction" buildings collapsing. Looking forward to them explaining this. They will probably claim that the building which collapsed were built by Mainland companies.

  9. People you are still not waking up to what's happening in our world ?. GOD Is Speaking to us through all these disaster's. But we. Are not paying attention. People we have to start turning away from our wicked ways. And start loving each other.


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