Gaza crisis: World Central Kitchen founder accuses Israel of using food as weapon


The bodies of the world Central kitchen workers are on their way home as ambulances headed towards the Egyptian border other Aid workers like Federico Desi mapped out how to proceed it’s the first time that uh International Aid workers are killed and so for sure that has sent a shock wave

Across the community Desi and his team postponed their work in central Gaza as it takes them on the same road where the Israeli strip killed the seven workers humanity and inclusion does Rehabilitation work with injured and disabled individuals and provides Mobility devices the needs are so catastrophic and uh we can’t fail the

Palestinians we need to to keep on and continue supporting them a GoFundMe page for Jacob flickinger’s young family says he arrived in Gaza in March ready to help the retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces worked for wck in Mexico as well James kiry’s family says helping

Was also in his nature they are Heroes all seven of them but yeah we’re we’re a little bit um unhappy with the with the response from from Israel from totally honest the Israeli Prime Minister on Tuesday called the strike tragic adding such things happen in war by Wednesday

Morning the idf’s chief of staff apologized we are sorry for the unintentional harm to the members of w U we were targeted deliberately nonstop until everybody was dead in this Convoy a defined humanitarian Convoy traveling on a defined humanitarian route the founder of the charity is calling for a neutral

Investigation this looks like it’s not a war against terrorism anymore seems this is a war against humanity itself to enhance protection for Aid workers in Gaza and facilitate Aid Israel says it’s opened a new humanitarian Command Center Crystal Ganson Global News London

Pressure is mounting on Israel to show restraint in its war on Hamas after an Israeli airstrike killed seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) workers who had just delivered food to Palestinians in Gaza.

WCK founder José Andrés says it was a direct attack by Israel on three clearly marked vehicles.

As Crystal Goomansingh reports, Andrés also says their deaths were a direct result of Israel’s policy to restrict humanitarian aid to Gaza.

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  1. The Israeli prime minister is engaging in genocide. The attack on a clearly marked convoy whose path was clearly known on all sides of the conflict has done what Israel wants it to do – caused the withdrawal of all such aid. This will lead to mass starvation among the Palestinians in Gaza. Israel has become that which they fled Europe to escape.

  2. The media should stop referring to this as a war. This is not a conflict between two countries. Not conflict between two armies. It’s an agression on an a population living under an occupation and an occupying power. It’s an occupation because Gaza is part of Israel but Israel denies them right to citizenship and freedom.


  4. The IDF soldier who pulled the trigger on this food convoy certainly needs to be court martialed. Markings on these vehicles would be clearly visible by a drone since the markings were painted on the roofs of the vehicles that were hit. This incident is inexcusable. I have supported many actions by the IDF in the past but not this time. Netanyahu must call those responsible for this outrage to account.

  5. They (Israel and it's bought media and politicians) will soon try to downplay and erase all of Israel's crimes at some point. Our new slogan 'Never Forget!' Almost like 'Never Again' the slogan Israel doesn't believe in.

  6. So let me get this straight people? You think that this was a war crime? (instead of an unintentional accident), thenwhat on earth would you call the deliberate terrorist attack that Palestine launched on israel on Oct 7? Where they shot up people that were dancing in a music festival, beheaded babies, when door-to-door slaughtering entire families, lit people on fire and burned them alive! You do not get to have it both ways. You cannot attack israel, and then complain when Israel Strikes Back. unfortunately, there will be civilian casualties. And yes I agree, this was tragic, and an apology does not suffice. But let me ask you? What apology did Hamas offer Israel? They deliberately killed tousands innocent people, and even took hostage. Where was the apology there? The was none. And you know why? Because unlike israel, Palestine purposely tries to kill innocent civilians. So before anyone opens their antisemitic mouth, just remember who it was that started this war, and who the terrorists are. You cannot attack a neighboring nation, and then complain when they attack you back, even if there are civilian casualties.

  7. We already know Hamas and Hezbollah use fake UN vehicles and ambulances to travel. That is quite possibly the least of what happens in "good guy" vehicles in warzones. Dont go to a warzone if you don't want to die. Nancy Wake is the lucky exception, not the norm.

  8. Maybe there would be no starving people if Hamas wasn't trying to murder Israelis. Are you aware that Israel pays the costs of water treatment for Gaza?
    Are you whining about the Palestinian gangs of kids assaulting Egyptian food truck drivers??? Are you aware they murdered an Egyptian truck driver???
    Are you aware that you have zero understanding of the actual facts on the ground in the middle east?
    Are you aware that your opinions are probably not even your own and that you had them planted in your mind by the media????

  9. Maybe he should re think his support for ??
    "In Israel, WCK teams partnered with local restaurants across the country, serving meals to people who were displaced from their homes as a result of the October attack and ensuing shelling along the border. As Israeli hostages returned home, we delivered fresh, nourishing meals to the hospitals where they received checkups and were reunited with their families. While our response has wound down in Israel since acute food needs have abated, we have a large network of restaurants and local partners who are ready to support families should there be a need again." Wck website

  10. In the eyes of the USA and the UK; Israel is not committing genocide because they are considered to be extremely innocent so it means that Israel is committing "INNO-CIDE" and they have a right and blanket cover to do this anywhere and everywhere in the world. While the toothless UN can only do what the US and Israel will ask them to do.

  11. Israeli apologies are so cunical, and as for Netanyahu and his government.., war criminals. Very likely they will drag Israel into oblivion with them. My biggest disappointment is Biden's lack of response.


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