Who will investigate Israel’s airstrike that killed seven aid workers in Gaza?


And ctv’s Tony Grace joins us now and Tony what do we know about the air strike and those killed Roger this happening last night and uh the world Central Kitchen you know saying that it was seven Aid workers all together who were killed and they identified them as three British Nationals one Australian

One Polish national one person as we mentioned with Canada US citizenship and a Palestinian who were all working for that charity World Central kitchen now according to that charity uh the workers who were in this Convoy and you mentioned there were two armored vehicles they say that they had

Coordinated their movements with the Israeli military they say that the Israeli military knew where they were going where they were coming from the Convoy was hit as it was leaving a warehouse after unloading more than a 100 tons of humanitarian food Aid brought to Gaza by sea remember World

Central Kitchen has been pioneering and sort of spearheading this movement to get these sea shipments these shipments that have coming from Cypress by sea over to Gaza on the shores of the Mediterranean they’ve been spearheading the effort to get that food to the people who need it now again for its

Part Israel uh calling this a tragedy prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying that this was an unintended strike and that Israel will do everything it can for this not to happen again the Israeli military said it was conducting a thorough review pledging an investigation uh but again that is what

We’re hearing from World Central Kitchen Roger they’re calling this in their words unforgivable as this becomes kind of a flash point now for the humanitarian crisis in Northern Gaza it is a difficult delicate situation makes you wonder what’s next absolutely and you know from world leaders condemnation but calls for for an international

Impartial investigation so the question now Roger what is that going to look like who’s going to conduct that investigation Israel’s military uh promising an investigation by in their words an independent professional and expert body and and the IDF by the way insisting that it makes efforts to

Ensure the Del y the safe delivery of humanitarian Aid throughout Gaza but the Optics of this all of course now coming into Focus as well military and security expert Anthony SEO are offering us some thoughts despite the fact that IDF was informed by um the um Aid group of the

Exact movement the vehicle was clearly marked as such as we see um despite these these precautions still being a being a targeting of this civilian cboy uh that is something that is yeah very rare happening and as natano said that there can be accidents but there are so

Many accidents coming up in in recent weeks that this leads to a not good picture and again the IDF and Israel’s prime minister promising a thorough review into what happened here calling this a tragedy and and promising to ensure that something like this doesn’t happen again but of course this is all

Calling into question the ongoing need to get Aid through safe passages to the hundreds of thousands if not more people in Northern Gaza who the United United Nations has said are at risk of starvation uh as this conflict continues and as as Aid efforts come into question

Now in terms of you know the path to get them to the people who need it Roger okay CV Tony Grace thank you for that update you’re welcome

CTV News’ Tony Grace has more on the investigation into an airstrike ordered by the IDF that killed 7 aid workers in Gaza.

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