Trudeau makes housing announcement ahead of 2024 budget | LIVE


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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will make a housing announcement in the Greater Halifax Area, N.S., on Tuesday, in advance of the 2024 federal budget. Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Sean Fraser will also be in attendance, with a media availability to follow.

Last week, Trudeau announced new measures that he said will help protect Canadian renters and help them break into the housing market.

He said Wednesday that the proposed three new reforms will “make the playing field fairer for renters” amid an affordability crisis making homeownership out of reach for many.

Earlier in March, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said that the federal government will table its 2024 budget on April 16. “Our economic plan is about building more homes, faster, making life more affordable, and creating more good jobs,” she said.

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  1. Oh poor criminal!!! Didn’t he feel threatened? Should he freeze their bank accounts, livelihoods and throw them in jail? He must be less afraid of drums?? Embarrassing for Canadians. His citizenship needs to be revoked for treason. Tried and convicted.

  2. Justin has developed nerves of steel. Lol
    I don't agree with everything he does but he sure doesnt deserve this welcoming committee. Common you guys just listen for a minute he is doing good here. More rental housing gets people moving around and will free up single family homes.

  3. Trudeau is like a kid who smashed the family heirloom vase while horsing around not looking what he was doing and then stands there proudly explaining how he's going to fix it with duct tape and hot melt glue expecting praise for being a clever boy.


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