CTV National News | Monday, April 1, 2024: Outrage and protests after carbon tax hike


Tonight carbon tax hike the new cost to Canadians the rebates and the political divide a price on pollution that is driving down emissions a the tax the debate and the protests as prices go up it is what it is I got to get around I got to drive a

Long awaited promise to help students going to school hungry there’s hundreds of schools that have submitted requests plus hidden tracking devices a warning in the US to drivers passing through Quebec also frightening video of a shooting in Vancouver in broad daylight and counting down to the eclipse we’ve been sold out for more

Than a year for that night the preparations and planning for an historic moment one week away CTV national news with Omar saaden reporting tonight Heather buts good evening there is an added cost for most Canadians today with a rise in the federal carbon tax there’s also an increase in rebates geared towards the

Environment the issue is fueling political debates centered on affordability the change will cost drivers an extra 3 cents per liter at the pump the amount people get back every 3 months also increases depending on where you live a family of four in Alberta will get $1,800 back per year a

Family in New Brunswick 760 the government says eight out of 10 Canadians will receive more in rebates than they pay under the carbon tax but some feel it doesn’t add up here’s ctv’s Annie berson Oliver fueled by another carbon tax hike frustrated protesters took to the

Streets in Ottawa line and to the Trans Canada Highway near the New Brunswick Nova Scotia border to make their message heard the fact that the Carin has to exists is is atrocious like a person can’t get ahead in life there’s no possibility of saving money I can’t pay

My bills and uh taxes and buy food because it’s too much auta carbon pricing program involves yearly increases like the one today that the government says are needed to drive down emissions and hit Net Zero goals by 2050 the carbon tax is now $80 per ton of carbon emissions up from

$65 that translates into an extra 3.3 cents a liter for gasoline 4 cents a liter for diesel 2.3 cents a liter for propane and 2.9 cents per cubic meter of natural gas with that comes an increase to the Canada carbon rebate with payments now as high as $1800 for a

Family of four so it is effective it does drive down emissions um all the studies that have been done internationally and domestically show that it will work and it works better as the price goes up at least seven Premier disagree and say now is not the time to

Increase costs for Canadians one of those leaders New Finland Premier Andrew Fury wrote to the Prime Minister today asking for a meeting to discuss alternatives to the carbon tax so all those Premier that are busy complaining about the price on pollution but not putting forward a concrete alternative that they

Think would be better for their communities are just playing politics the Prime Minister has also accused his main opponent Pier PV of playing the same card this is not just a tax at the pump it’s a tax on your heat a tax on your food for those at the pump the

Answer doesn’t seem as clear I think they should scrap it all together I think it should be even higher it is what it is I got to get around I got to drive although the federal carbon tax doesn’t apply to British Columbia The Province does have its own system which

Saw an increase today and in Alberta the provincial gas tax Heather also went up all right Annie thank you it doesn’t matter where you live the price to put food on the table is a concern for many Canadians today the liberal government served up a plan for a billion dooll

National food program for kids in schools a long-standing promise it’s being pitched as part of the upcoming budget ctv’s Colton pril reports for some students students free meals at school may be the only one they eat all day it’s a problem that’s getting worse there’s hundreds of schools that have submitted requests

That we can’t meet as we speak data from statistics Canada shows that nearly 1.8 million children live in food insecure households but only about a third of those children actually participate in school breakfast programs according to a 2019 study that’s why the federal government is stepping in delivering on

A yearslong promise for a national school food program we’ve recognized that every Province and territory has its ways of delivering food programs uh to kids but we also know the need is far greater than anyone is able to meet right now the Liberals say April’s budget will include a billion dollars

Over 5 years to provide access to school food programs to an additional 400,000 students starting next September one of the few confirmed details of the program will also require significant cooperation with the provinces where School food programs differ immensely let’s stop with the the peace meal approach and have real Federal

Partnership so that every kid can get a meal there’s lingering political push back conservatives twice voted against legislation to create a framework for the program and today Pier PV wouldn’t say if he supported the idea I find it ironic that he’s promising a federal food bureaucracy in Ottawa the same day

As he raises taxes on food well Ottawa may be trying to change the channel on what could be a damaging day politically Advocates say this is a crucial step forward for Canadian children one long overdue Heather Colton thank you terrifying moments in Vancouver when gunmen opened fire in broad daylight

Sending innocent bystanders scrambling as ctv’s Penny daffos reports the shooting raises questions about the patchwork of police forces in BC’s Lower Mainland it was dinner time of a busy long weekend when two gunmen ran towards their target opening fire on downtown Vancouver’s busiest Street sending innocent bystanders running for their

Lives there were so many people out it’s a miracle that nobody was injured it’s a miracle that nobody was killed the target is allegedly linked to gang activity and police aren’t saying if he shot back but they already believe it’s very likely that there is going to be

Some kind of a Tory incident um coming in the near future Vancouver Police emphasized Gang Related shootings have been shifting to the Region’s suburbs and that they work closely with other police agencies to solve crimes across Municipal boundaries we’re going to see more of this before our policy makers

Our politicians act on this this former police chief and onetime solicitor general believes the fractured policing in the Lower Mainland with 28 different agencies is impacting investigations not only is the structure affecting the accountability it’s certainly uh obstructing the efficiency and the effectiveness of whatever strategy is utilized Vancouver

Is the only major city in Canada without a regional police force and the provincial government has often repeated it will be a phased approach without fully committing to the idea despite an allp party report recommending unified Police Services the solicitor General’s office says later this year they’ll be exploring the opportunities for an

Implication of regionalization of police services we know that the gang conflict is provincewide gangsters move around and a tit fortat response to this latest shooting Could Happen anywhere the Metro Vancouver gang conflict has been cyclical for decades and everybody just hopes this isn’t the sign that a major

Re-escalation may be on the horizon Heather thanks Penny convicted murderer Alex Murdoch who’s already serving two life sentences for the killing of his wife and son was to sentenced to 40 years in prison for federal financial crimes the disgraced former lawyer admitted to stealing Millions from clients including a $4 million insurance

Payment meant for the family of his housekeeper who died in a fall at the Murdoch home police in the United States have flagged a worrisome Trend drivers who traveled to Montreal have reported finding tracking devices like air tags in their vehicles cdv’s Quebec bureau chief jeania Bosman on why criminals

Might tag your car returning home South of the Border after a trip to Montreal some motorists have reported packing an unwanted souvenir three drivers discovered tracking devices over the past month like Apple Air tags planted in their vehicle police in Vermont just across the Quebec border issued a warning saying Canadian authorities are

Aware of the use of such technology for criminal activity one theory is that gangs in Montreal stash these devices along with small items like Firearms or cash to move them across the border you would have individuals on both sides of the border and the driver of that vehicle would be unaware that any

Contraband had been stashed in their vehicle or on their vehicle and it could be an easy way to move small items from one side and then have it be picked up another possibility is that this is connected to vehicle theft that cars are tagged to be stolen at a later time when

They’re in a more convenient spot car theft rings in many parts of the country have been caught using this technique in recent months see down here kind of push that back um behind this wheel well housing police say the quarter sized devices can easily be hidden you could

Probably pop one of these move your mirror pop it behind there and they’re investigating how criminals can seal guns or cash officials urge motorists to report finding an air tag and not to ignore alerts on their cell phones warning a devices nearby most people it seems thus far have had alerts on their

IPhone of air tags um and that’s how they’ve gotten to reporting it to law enforcement these devices are designed to help us track down our wallets our keys but cyber security experts say there’s often a flip side to this technology and that we have to be aware

Of that JEA BOS CTV News Montreal former US president Donald Trump has managed to ward off financial disaster for now securing a 175 million doll bond in his civil fraud case the lifeline means Trump will be spared from paying a nearly half a billion dollar judgment or

Having his assets seized by New York authorities while he appeals his penalty Trump had been given 10 days to pay the reduced Bond after a judge found he had improperly inflated his assets to get favorable loans a temporary chance channel has opened around the wreckage of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key bridge

After the catastrophic ship crash last week it will help us to get more vessels in the water around the site of the collapse the channel will allow some smaller commercial vessels to reach the port one of the busiest in the country demolition crews cut and removed the first major piece of debris weighing

More than 200 tons President Joe Biden is expected to visit the site on Friday Canadians earning minimum wage age in several provinces and territories are now seeing an increase in their paychecks the Boost comes as the cost of living Soares leaving many saying it’s still not enough here’s CTV Sarah

Plowman depending on where you live workers earning a minimum wage got a raise today across Canada some workers at Banks post offices and airports will now earn 65 cents more an hour at $17.30 employees in Atlanta Canada and Yukon will also get a bump to their Pat

Check I think it’s great but it could be a little bit more maybe in Atlantic Canada New Finland and Labrador leads the pack hiking wages 60 to $15.60 New Brunswick is next followed by Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia where wages jump 20 cents to $15.20 Yukon wages are going up 82 cents

An hour some people praise the increases more money is always welcome business point out the downside just adds more price pressure uh to their operations and unfortunately not a lot of them can absorb it and are going to have to pass that on to customers a group that’s

Analyzed how much Canadians need to make what they call a livable wage believes today’s raises are not enough if you work full-time week after week you should be able to make ends meet where you live this associate professor notes how the US federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour much lower than Canada’s

He says the wage hikes are pricing people out of work and encourages companies to automate destroys jobs it destroys low-wage jobs several other provinces like Quebec Ontario and Saskatchewan will increase minimum wage later this year Heather thanks Sarah coming up anger over the Middle East War here at home United will never be

Defeated what protesters and police are saying about arrest L just one week to go now until the total Eclipse Israeli forces have withdrawn from gaza’s largest hospital after a two-e raid that left the compound in ruins the IDF confirmed it killed Hamas militants based in alifa the surp action by our forces was precise and surgical Israel has accused Hamas of using the facility as a command center something

The group denies the Hamas run media office says Israeli forces killed 400 Palestinians during The Siege us and Israeli officials held virtual meetings today to discuss alternatives to a ground invasion of Rafa still in the Middle East Iran is accusing Israel of an air strike on the Iranian Consulate in Syria that killed

Two generals and five officers from its revolutionary guard Iran a primary backer of both Hezbollah and Hamas is vowing to respond to the attack Israel says it will not be commenting on the allegations conflicts in the Middle East have raised tensions at demonstrations here in Canada confrontations over the

Weekend has some Pro Palestinian protesters accusing Toronto police of using excessive force those allegations are being rejected by police ctv’s Mike Walker explains video shows Pro Palestinian demonstrators in police clashing at gerarden Parliament on Saturday as Toronto police move in and make several arrests including two people for

Assaulting officers United will never be defeated outside Police Headquarters today these escalations are in an attempt to criminalize and intimidate Pro Palestinian protesters off the streets rally organizers criticizing police tactics this was not police this was premeditated pre-planned police brutality accusing police of kettling demonstrators this man claims he was

Forcefully detained they left us with nowhere to go and I was grabbed by my head pushed over the police line forcibly thrown to the ground and I just felt several bodies on top of me Toronto police say matters escalated when officers charged the driver of a truck involved in the protest with stunt

Driving for having people on its bed while it was moving adding they had had repeatedly warned the driver not to do so police say the driver was not cooperating and when officers attempted to secure the vehicle demonstrators resorted to physical aggression against officers police charged one woman for

Throwing horse maneuver at an officer another woman was charged for allegedly using a flag pole to intentionally spear an officer police say their presence at this protest mirrored past demonstrations with officers and the mounted unit assisting with crowd control state the fundamental difference lies in demonstrators refusal to adhere to

Police directives despite clear forewarning the president of the Toronto Police Association defending the actions of his members the officers have being very very patient but the reality is these protests are getting more violent uh the people are becoming more aggressive with the police officers and confrontational rally organizers calling

For police to be defunded and vowing to continue to mobilize Mike Walker CTV News Toronto still ahead close call on the ice come out for a normal skate no issues whatsoever uh skating around the net and that’s the last thing I remember down I went the quick thinking team and the

Play that saved a man’s Life hockey is part of life for many Canadians in Halifax the noon hour gentleman’s hockey crew has been playing pickup for decades they recently implemented an emergency protocol in case a player suffered a heart attack and as ctv’s Mike lamb shows us it was the right

Call that’s about our Pace yeah for the first five minutes yeah the first for the warm up yeah my my name is John gynan I’m from turl Nova Scotia and I’ve been a pond hockey player for 40 years up until March the 7th of this year come out for a normal skate no

Issues whatsoever uh skating around the net and that’s the last thing I remember down I went the next thing I recall is seeing the paramedics Greg Nigel and a couple other fellows I had a cardiac arrest there was no feeling per se things just went black it was like a lamp being

Unplugged we kind of got him rolled over and got some of his hockey gear leased out of the way and you could tell by the color and he had left us at that point and uh we continued CPR and Greg came back with the AED and he started it and

We put the pads on the shock went off probably within less than 90 seconds John was talking to us so July of uh 2023 um one of the guys we normally play with uh left the bench he said he wasn’t feeling well he ended up going to the

Hospital checked in with him later that night how are you making out he I had a heart attack so I reached out to the uh organizers that we play hockey with and basically uh implemented some uh protocol first aid kid to the bench cell phone to the bench someone needed to be

In charge of the AED in in case something happened when Johnny had his uh incident uh that protocol I believe uh helped save his life I’m overwhelmed I’m indebted to uh these guys and others for my very life it’s a debt that I’ll never be able to

Repay but uh it’s my hope that I can turn this we can turn this into uh for the benefit of all telling the story the most sincere um heartfelt thank you that I can muster and that’s what I want to add beautiful story after the break gearing up for an astronomical

Event for all cities and regions in the path of totality this is really a moment to get people from outside the path of totality to see this fantastic phenomenon observers ready for the opportunity to spot the solar Eclipse the countdown is on for Millions across Canada who will gather to watch the moon pass between the Sun and Earth for some businesses it’s shaping up to be their busiest day of the year with crowd numbers expected to Eclipse those of other major events here’s ctv’s Heather

Wright call it a solar eclipse spending boom with millions of people across North America America expected to flock to cities and towns next week to watch this rare phenomenon we’ve been sold out for more than a year for for that night Steve Wright is the general manager of J

Peak resort in Vermont one of the towns in the direct path of Monday’s Eclipse after a slow ski season with poor weather the eclipse is bringing in much needed business this event is going to singularly change our financial performance for the entire year and it drives everything in the community too

For many this is really a once in aik Time Event the next solar eclipse over Canada won’t be until 2044 over western parts of the country the next one in Eastern Canada won’t be until 2079 Indiana is preparing for around 500,000 visitors roughly seven times the attendance of the 2012 Super Bowl in

Indianapolis while Niagara Falls Ontario has declared a state of emergency with more than a million people expected to visit this coming Monday for all cities and regions in the path of totality this is really a moment to get people from outside the path of totality to see this fantastic phenomenon many Canadian

School boards have decided to close that day with concerns about students looking up at the sun without glasses the Sun during an eclipse is not any stronger than a regular day but eye damage can happen because a person’s natural response to squint when looking at sunlight does not get triggered that’s a

Common Mis misconception that the sun is brighter or more dangerous dur an eclipse it’s not it’s just that we want to look at it on that day so again you can be outside without any problem just need to put your glasses on anytime you want to look up in some places the total

Eclipse will last a little more than 4 minutes millions of strangers looking up experiencing history together Heather Wright CTV News Toronto the excitement is building that’s our show for this evening for Omar and all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and I’ll see you again tomorrow A

There’s outrage and protests in some corners after an increase to Canada’s carbon tax; Ottawa unveils plans for a long-promise national school lunch program.

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