Trudeau unveil plans for school lunch program | CTV National News


Doesn’t matter where you live the price to put food on the table is a concern for many Canadians today the liberal government served up a plan for a billion dooll national food program for kids in schools a long-standing promise it’s being pitched as part of the upcoming budget ctv’s Colton pril

Reports for some students free meals at school may be the only one they eat all day it’s a problem that’s getting worse there’s hundreds of schools that have submitted request that we can’t meet as we speak data from statistics Canada shows that nearly 1.8 million children live in food insecure households but

Only about a third of those children actually participate in school breakfast programs according to a 2019 study that’s why the federal government is stepping in delivering on a yearslong promise for a national school food program we’ve recognized that every Province and territory has its ways of delivering f food programs uh to kids

But we also know the need is far greater than anyone is able to meet right now the Liberals say April’s budget will include a billion dollars over 5 years to provide access to school food programs to an additional 400,000 students starting next September one of the few confirmed details of the program

Will also require significant cooperation with the provinces where School food programs differ immensely let’s stop with the the peac meal approach and and have real Federal partnership so that every kid can get a meal there’s lingering political push back conservatives twice voted against legislation to create a framework for

The program and today Pierre PV wouldn’t say if he supported the idea I find it ironic that he’s promising a federal food bureaucracy in Ottawa the same day as he raises taxes on food well Ottawa may be trying to change the channel on what could be a damaging day

Politically Advocates say this is a crucial step forward for Canadian children one long overdue

Ottawa announced plans for a national school food program, with plans to have it running by next year. Colton Praill reports.

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  1. Disgusting over reach of the government. It is the parents responsibility to feed their kids. You think you are helping by giving crumbs to these kids with one hand will the other is taking large amounts of cash from their parents with the other!

  2. 9 years of the worst government we've ever had and now Canadians are so increasingly impoverished that they have to print another billion $ to feed school kids.

    The government is the problem, not the solution. Until Canadians understand this, things are only going to get worse.

  3. Nope, there should be no school lunch programs at all. If the parent or parents can't even feed their own children after working or getting their social benefits, then their children should be taken away from them.

  4. stop disempowering parents by taking tneir responsibilities away from them if they want other to raise their children this is the way to start, feeding them. day cares and soon boarding schools for all.

  5. This will no doubt only apply to the poorest of the poor families. Nothing against them, mind you. Whereas lower income to middle income families are all struggling, and most will get zero help.

  6. M r troudo stop using the students for your nonsense you really care for the kids loer the palateshens loer ther salaries and the strikes at oll schools they don't pay tuition for nothing too stay home lower palateshens and there salaries and help the schools you not working more than there parents that wat the kids want not your bloody crams that is redekelas stop the strike and don't make sick thenken for their future


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