Toronto police accused of using excessive force against pro-Palestinian protesters


Organizers of pro Palestinian demonstrations in Toronto are set to hold a press conference today on what they describe as police brutality it comes after seven people were arrested during a demonstration on Saturday CP 24’s beatric Vasan is in Toronto beatric give us the details Toronto police

Saying that they had to use this kind of force because several members of the Toronto Police Service were allegedly assaulted three people in fact were charged uh in the midst of these protests that happened on Saturday night uh the one person a 24-year-old woman was charged with uh allegedly throwing

Horse manure at a police officer she was charged with assaulting a police officer a second person uh also charged by Toronto police uh for what they say was intentionally using a flag pole as a spear a third person also charged by police uh for under the highway traffic

Act for driving a a flatb truck essentially with people on the back of it protesters have in the past we know been warned about this by Toronto police when it comes to the escalation in tensions between the protesters and police you’re watching the video on your

Screen right now this is posted by the Palestinian youth movement it shows uh police pushing using their bodies essentially to push protesters to one side of the street you see officers uh on bikes then using their bicycles kind of to create a wall before uh officers on Horseback make their way down the

Streets as well uh and so certainly there’s a concern from these demonstrators that Toronto police are using excessive force in their handling of these demonstrators here’s what the organizer of these demonstrations had to say to CP24 the police have been violent towards Pro Palestinian protesters they have raided people’s homes after

Protests they have pulled people over um because they had been at protests um they have gone so far as to escalate with Marshals to Heckle people to attempt to escalate with them um to use their bikes to push Marshals over to push attendees over the atonal Police Association defending its officers of

Course saying when protesters choose to commit criminal acts they’ll be arrested either immediately or later uh adding that when protesters block roads and infrastructure it impact the ability for police officers to respond to emergency calls so 11:00 this morning we’ll hear from some of the organizers of these

Prop Palestinian demonstrations as to uh what they think uh the situation is at least from their perspective all right CB 24’s beatric Faceman thanks be

Toronto police are being accused of using excessive force against pro-Palestinian protesters. CP24’s Beatrice Vaisman shares reaction.

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  1. The police administration tends to be pro-Israeli/zionist which makes them complicit in the genocide which is occurring in Gaza and the West Bank. This should be obvious to anyone who is actually looking at police behaviour.

  2. That was not excessive in Ottawa they were bashing heads with ar-15's and trampling seniors with horses ..
    COKL police opened fire on a vehicle knowing a child was involved and were apparently just following procedure
    Welcome to the land of greed and the home of government tax slaves

  3. Rent Agreement ,between Nadia Babchouk and ?????? ???????. ???? ????? ?????????? ????, ???? !?????? ?????? ??????????? ?? ???. ???????? 169,??????????? ???? ,?????., ?????? ??????? ?????? 700 ???????, ???? ? ?????????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????? ? ?? ???????.??? ?? ???? ?? ????????,???? ,?? ????? ?????? ???? ???????? ? ???? ???? ??????????? ?????? ????? ? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ? ?? ?????????????????? ?? ?????? ? ??????? ? ?????? ??? ??????????? ????? ? ??????????? ??????????.?????? ??? ?? ???? ???????? ,????? ????????? ????????? ?? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????. ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ????, ???????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ? ??????????,?????? ????? ? ??????? ???????. ??? ???? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ?????? ? ???????? ???? ?? ????? ??????'? ??? ? ??????? ???????? ???????????? ????? ,???????? ???? ? ?????????? ????. ?????? ?????? 2.000 ???????,?? ?????? . ?????, ?????? ??????? ???? ???? ???? ? ????????? ?????????? ??????????. ? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????? ,????? ???????? ,? ????? ???????? ? ??????????. ????? ,??????. ????????? ??????????????? ?????????? ???????? ,???????. .?? ????? ,?? ? ???????? ? ?????. ????? ??? ,????????,??????.??? ????. ???????????? ????????? ?????.

  4. So you were pushed off the road, boohoo. This is not protesting something our government did to our citizens it is about what some foreign country is doing to another foreign country so don't expect much accommodation here. Wave your signs, chant your slogans, stay out of everyone's way and everything will be fine.

  5. Why are they protesting, and who are they protesting to? What do they expect the Canadian govt to do? Issue some empty statement? Canada is entirely helpless on the world stage both military and diplomatically.

  6. Given what these “peaceful protesters” are doing I’m quite impressed by the restraint and professionalism of officers. Use of force is not the equivalent of excessive force. Go home if you don’t want to be held accountable for criminal actions. It’s really that simple.


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