Pierre Poilievre opposes the ‘costly’ Liberal-NDP carbon tax hike


Look behind you there that right there is Justin Trudeau and the ndp’s cruel April Fool’s Day joke on Canadians it is a joke without laughter it is a joke that brings tears to the eyes of most Canadians because after eight years of Trudeau and his Coalition with the

NDP everything costs more 2 million Canadians line up at food banks because they can’t afford food onethird of food related bankrupts food related Charities are turning Canadians away because they’ve run out of food in Montreal a couple of weeks back there was a small riot after the food ran out and the

Police had to be called because there were too many hungry people on the streets clamoring for something to eat in St John’s in St John’s newfinland there are 28 dead bodies left in refrigerators outside of a hospital because families could not afford a funeral or cremation can you imagine that leaving your aunt

Your father your sister your brother in a freezer next to a dumpster at a hospital because you cannot afford to give them a dignified goodbye these are the kinds of stories that we see after 8 years of Trudeau homeless encampments are now common in almost every community in the

Country we all remember downtown east the downtown east side of Vancouver well Justin Trudeau and the N NDP have taken that model Nationwide they’ve doubled housing costs with rent mortgage payments and down payments now costing twice what they did 8 years ago when Trudeau promised to ra

To lower them then we have the crime because of Catch and Release decriminalization of drugs and wasted money pursuing a ban on hunters and sports Shooters we have crime and Chaos everywhere in our streets violent crime up 40% shootings up over 100% 40,000 people have died of drug

Overdoses as the Prime Minister floods our streets with tax funded opioids and his solution to all this misery is today to hike the carbon tax by 23% this is not just a tax at the pump it’s a tax on your heat a tax on your food because if you tax the farmer who

Grows the food and the trucker who ships the food you tax all who buy the food it is a tax that will cost the majority of families in every single Province more than they get back in Alberta the average family will pay 900 more this year than they get back in rebates in

Saskatchewan $525 more than they get back in rebates in Manitoba $52 more in Ontario $627 more in Nova Scotia $537 more in Prince Edward Island $550 more and in New Finland and Labrador $377 more in tax costs than you get back in rebates in in BC it’s worst of all

Here the NDP government is expected to collect $9 billion more more in carbon taxes than the sorry the in carbon taxes and give back $3.5 billion in credits so you can tell there’s a big difference between 9 and 3.5 that’s $5.5 billion in net taxes out of the pockets of British

Colombians it is a combined tax imposed by Trudeau and Ottawa but happily administered by the NDP government of uh David eie here in British Colombia British Columbia my friends the good news is life was not like this before Trudeau and it won’t be like this after he’s gone

There there will be a carbon tax election with a very clear choice between Trudeau a costly Coalition of Trudeau and the NDP who tax your food punish your work take your money double your housing costs and unleash crime and Chaos in your community or common sense conservatives who ax the tax build the

Homes fix the budget and stop the crime Common Sense conservatives will ask the tax to bring down costs on our Farmers on our small businesses on building materials we will cap government spending and cut waste to balance the budget so we can bring down inflation and interest rates and your dollar will

Carry its purchasing power forward into the future speaking of powerful paychecks we’ll remove government Gatekeepers to develop our resources again our Fisheries our forestry our Farmers our factories will come roaring back to life producing more of the goods that money buys rather than just producing money we’re going to bring

Home the production to Canada we’re going to incentivize our municipalities to speed up and lower the cost of building permits will require they permit 15% more housing completions per year as a condition of getting federal funds so that they get out of the way and let Builders build we’ll sell off

6,000 Federal buildings thousands of Acres of federal land to build build build we’ll back up the trades so we have more Builders to do the work we need more boots and not more suits and we will ensure these homes are in safe neighborhoods with jail and not bail for

Repeat violent Defenders with treatment not more decriminalized and subsidized drugs so that we can rehabilitate our loved ones and bring them home drug-free we will stop attack the attack on law-abiding lawful hunters and Sport Shooters we we know that our Hunters are not the problem it is the criminals who

Bring the guns over the border illegally we’ll put the money into reinforcing our Port our ports and our borders so that we keep the illegal drugs and guns out of our country and we bring home safety to all Canadians this is the hopeful bright and optimistic future that awaits

With a common sense conservative government they will ask the tax bill the homes fix the budget and stop the crime let’s bring it home thank you

| Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre condemns Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax hike as a “cruel April Fool’s joke” at the expense of taxpayers. “It is a joke without laughter,” he told reporters on April 1st. “It is a joke that brings tears to the eyes of most Canadians because after eight years of Trudeau and his coalition with the NDP, everything costs more.”

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  1. Like Pierre sympathesizes taking the lofty raise! The Cons gave us global free trade so the elite could go pollute in third world countries without punity or regulations! They're all the same don't be an April Fool statistic, there's too many of you still out there and they know it!!!

  2. Only removing the Carbon taxes from business & not individual citizens? Am I hearing a PC politician (for Businesses) talk like a NDP politician (for Workers) against a Lib politician (for themselves)? This set-up might be by an ulterior vision & not really in the best interests of average jane or joe. Things are so bad nowadays, undoubtedly by design, but what's this alternative. Rhetoric, Slogans, etc. this is so down south politically. My Canada that I grew up in, worked for, served for, seems completely destroyed & gone. PP is truly the best of 3 but is this what it has all come to for our futures? Show me it can get better. A pre-maturely forced 'retired' & unemployed CAF Vet.

  3. All politicians are misleading Canadians CO 2 is not the temperature control knob at 0.04% in the atmosphere this world whould have to be a pretty fragile place.Watch Climate the movie peopel and start waking up!

  4. The CO 2 being the cause of climate change has to be put up for free debate the Seiende is by fahr not settled it is just the best way to get everybody under government control don’t worry about the simptoms like carbon tax worry about the root cause of all this Nonsens at 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere it can not be the controll knob!

  5. If you actually want to lower home prices and renting costs you need to do these things:

    1) Cut immigration drastically – mass immigration has created excess demand which has placed upward pressure on prices. Mass immigration actually caused the housing crisis.

    2) Send back the huge number of "temporary foreign workers" and international students in very large numbers. This will reduce demand for rentals and bring down renting prices quickly which will help young canadians the most.

    That's what will actually help. We don't need more homes, we need far less immigration. We didn't have a housing crisis before mass immigration.

  6. I keep hearing the Conservatives exposing all of Trudeau's crimes. What can be done? And most importantly WHEN WILL THIS STOP and WHEN will; Trudeau be forced out?

  7. Remember, it was Robert Borden, a CONSERVATIVE prime minister who in 1917 imposed income tax to finance Canada's WW1 effort. It was supposed to be temporary!!! Remember, it was Brian Mulroney, a CONSERVATIVE prime minister who in 1991 imposed sales tax. It was supposed to be temporary!!!

  8. It's incredible the damage the left has caused to the basic fundamentals of society. Canada really has gone backwards which is ironic considering the left like to call themselves "progressive". They are anything but.


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